
29 January 2012

Week 4: My family

I am grateful for my beautiful family. My loving hubby who I have been married to for 15 years, and who is there when I need him most. He is a good, kind, loving husband and supports me whenever I need it, and is a wonderful father to our two little munchikins.

I am grateful for my two sweet sweet girls who I adore and love to pieces. They are my miracle babies, and I feel very lucky to be their Mummy. I never thought I could love two little people as much as I love them, they bring me much joy & happiness.

22 January 2012

Week 3: Inspiration

This week I am grateful for inspiration. As someone who loves being creative I find inspiration in nature, buildings, books, countries, art, people, even on the TV!!

Over the past few days my creative side has been challenged as I had to think of how to create a cake for Popette's birthday party.

In the end I got inspiration from one of Popette's favourite TV shows, 'Peppa Pig'. I never tried using fondant before, and it was the first time I had made such a creative cake. It was a lot of fun to make, and let me explore my creativity!

Yesterday we had Popette's birthday party where we had all her little friends and cousins come over to help celebrate her turning 3. It was a party full of games & surprises. The kids had a treasure hunt and pinata, and also played 'Pin the tail on the donkey', 'Pass the parcel' and 'Statues', then finally we had the cake!

Everyone loved the cake, especially Popette.


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11 January 2012

Week 2: My hubby's job

I am grateful that my husband has a full-time paying job that pays our bills, our mortgage, puts food on our table, fills the fridge with fresh groceries, puts clothes on our backs and a roof over our heads.

We are extremely lucky that it also allows me to be able to stay at home and raise our two little girls, where I get to enjoy the time I have with them each day and see them grow up.

I am grateful that while it pays for essentials like our groceries, bills and mortgage repayments, it also can be put towards nice and fun things, like having my hair done, going out for lunch, taking "Popette" to the city for her birthday, buying Christmas and Birthday presents, hiring a DVD, enrolling "Popette" into music classes, along with other things that we sometimes take for granted.

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05 January 2012

"Popette" turns 3

Today "Popette" turned 3!! Hubby and I can't believe she is 3 already...where did the past 3 years go!

"Popette" had a lovely birthday, which involved a quick brekkie at McDonalds, then a trip into the big city to find Nemo & his friends at Sydney Aquarium. And afterwards a leisurely lunch by the water.

She loved "finding" Nemo, seeing the dugong, looking at the sharks and other fish. Then having "fish & chips" (it felt strange after she just saw all the fish at the Aquarium!!) and some "bubbles" for lunch.

Here's a few happy snaps of the birthday girl :)

"Popette" looking for Nemo

"Popette" looking at the pretty fish
We found Nemo :)

Telling Dory to cute!

Week 1: NICU's and its Doctors and Nursing staff

Hi, This year I am joining Kidspot Social on a "52 weeks of grateful" journey. Where every week I will try and write something that I am grateful for. Here is my post for Week 1.

I would love it if you joined me on this journey. Tell me, what are you grateful for this week?

I am grateful for living in a country that has hospitals containing Neonatal Intensive Care Unit's (NICU's) with its medical equipment, technology, and all of the amazingly trained & highly skilled Doctors, Pediatricians, and nursing staff that help save the lives of premature babies.

Three years ago today, our miracle baby, who is affectionately known as "Popette", was born at 29 weeks + 3 days weighing a tiny 1.145kg. Popette was due in March 2009, but after I developed severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome she had to be delivered by emergency cesarean.

During the time Popette was in hospital, a whole 51 days, she was on a ventilator, in a humidicrib (incubator), on a CPAP machine (Constant Positive Airway Pressure), tube fed formula when I couldn't provide her with breastmilk, she under went light therapy for jaundice, given steroids to help develop her lungs, and had various sensors taped to her tiny body monitoring her breathing, oxygen levels, temperature, heartbeat etc.

Popette on CPAP
Luckily Popette wasn't on the ventilator very long, just 40 minutes after she was delivered. She was on CPAP for 13 days, and under the "lights" for a little jaundice for 2-3 days. Apart from that, she didn't have anything wrong with her, she was just out in the big wide world too early.

Being treated for jaundice

If we lived in a third world country, who knows if they would have had all the equipment or technology that would have been needed to ensure our baby girl could breathe properly, and be in our lives today.

All hooked up

We will be forever grateful to the amazing Doctors and nursing staff at both Westmead and Nepean hospital who treated myself and Popette.

01 January 2012

52 weeks of grateful...what are you grateful for?

Happy New Year!! This year I thought rather than have another new years resolution that I probably won't keep...which was going to be "lose weight" (again!), I thought I'd try something a little different.
52 weeks of grateful

I am joining Maxabella Loves over at Village Voices on Kidspot on a '52 weeks of grateful' journey. The journey involves individuals taking a positive journey to reflect and share things you are grateful for each week and write about them. I will be documenting my journey here each that I've said that I have to do there's my new years resolution. I must write a post each week reflecting on what I am most grateful for.

Sometimes we don't realise it, but there are things we take for granted and don't ever realise it.

It could be something as small as having enough money to buy a litre of milk or loaf of bread.

Or maybe its having enough money to pay the rent/mortgage, bills, petrol, putting food on the table, filling the fridge with fresh groceries, or putting clothes on our backs.
Not to mention other areas of our lives...
enjoying good health,
living in a happy home,
having loving family & friends
a warm bed to sleep in,
a roof over our heads,
a job that pays the bills,
a job that you enjoy,
being a parent/partner/daughter/sister/friend etc.

The list is endless when you think about it.

Stay tuned for my first week of the "52 weeks of grateful" project. I hope you will come and join me on this journey, and reflect with me what you are most grateful for :)