
30 September 2012

Week 38: Happy Outcomes

This week's been a busy week for me in getting "Cherub's" cake made and decorated, and the house clean & tidy for "Cherub's" 1st birthday party yesterday (not so easy with two little munchkins wanting something from me).

Buzzbee cake

While I love planning birthday parties for my girls, I'm also glad when they are over. It's so tiring. My back began aching making Cherub's cake, but I was so pleased with how it turned out. It's just a shame Cherub didn't recognize Buzzbee (I was hoping for a big goofy smile from her), she did enjoyed eating it though.

Cherub enjoying her cake!

Cherub had a lovely time playing with her new toys with her bubba friends on the lounge room floor. Popette loved having her big cousin over, who she played with all day and well into the night, since her cousin, Aunty and Nanny stayed the night.

Me and Cherub

All in all it was an enjoyable party, so for my entry this week I am grateful for happy outcomes.

What are you grateful for today?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

23 September 2012

Week 37: Grateful for firsts

Today its my baby girl's first birthday. Hubby and I can't believe it was a year ago today when I was laying on the operating table having a caesarean when at 7.48am our sweet little "Cherub" was born.

Our birthday girl
"Cherub's" first year has flown by, and with it our precious baby who has now turned into an infant.

Today we witnessed "Cherub" crawl properly for the very first time, usually Hubby being at work misses out, so it was wonderful to be able to share that first together, even more so that it was on her birthday.

So this week I am grateful for all the firsts we have experienced with our girls - first smile, first roll, first word, first tooth, first solids, first crawl (hooray!) and first steps. I am sure there are many more I have forgotten, which are all equally as important and cherished.

What are you grateful for today?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot's Village Voices.

19 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday: "Cherub" is turning 1

This Sunday my little bubba is celebrating her 1st birthday!

14 September 2012

Week 36: Best friends

Late Wednesday night I was checking Facebook and received an email from a friend. The email shocked me. It read that my oldest & dearest childhood friend had died in hospital last week, and that her funeral was going to be held on Thursday.

The friend who had emailed me, hadn't known if I had checked the local paper. And thought she would contact me to check if this was my old friend who was my bridesmaid.

Us on my wedding day
Unfortunately it was.

My friend had terminal cancer and was given 12 months to live, she died at the age of 40.

I wish I had known she was sick. Maybe I could have seen her and made my amends, at least see her and say goodbye. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

We were the best of friends growing up, then life just got busy and everything changed. What was once a relationship where we talked for hours about anything and everything, became hard in connecting with each other or we'd only talked about things that happened in our past.

I blame myself for not trying harder, or for keeping in touch. But my husband told me it can't be all my fault, as there was 2 of us in the relationship.

I remember our last catchup was very awkward. The conversations I tried having with her were responded in 2 or 3 words. She was distant and not her warm, happy, self.

Then over the years we sent a few christmas cards and birthday cards to each other, then our lives went in separate directions and we lost contact. She was married, a young mother with 2 children, where as I was working hard at my job, travelling overseas with my now husband and buying a house. I tried to keep in touch, but it was difficult when she didn't talk to me or get in touch with me.

Although I hadn't spoken or seen her in such a long time, I often thought of her. For the past few years I had been trying to find her online. Then a few months ago I found her on Facebook. I sent her an email, but never heard back from her. I was upset in thinking that she had moved on and didn't want to talk to me. Maybe that was the case, I'll never know.

These past couple of days has been the hardest for me.

While we hadn't been friends in over 11 years, I still remember how she could make me laugh, and how she was always smiling and joking around. We always had a fun time when we got together. 

Yesterday, my husband drove me to the funeral, but couldn't be with me through the service as he had 11 month old "Cherub" in the car. I was devastated. I tried to give my friend's husband our condolescenes, but it came blubbering out as a "I'm sorry".. which is all I could say to him, my friend's Mum and sister, who I knew all well. They didn't respond with a greeting, not that I was really expecting one, only a thanks for coming.

This week I am grateful for having a best friend. She was my best friend throughout childhood to early adulthood and was a fun loving person, who I will always remember fondly.

I am grateful to have shared happy times with her, and to have had her as a friend even if it was only for a short time.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot's Village Voices.

07 September 2012

Week 35: Grateful for warmer weather

Spring is truly here in the mountains! We have some beautiful little freshias popping up in our front yard, and our plum tree is blossoming away in the backyard.

Our plum tree in full bloom
The weather this week has been a nice change from the cold days we've had over the past few months. Usually I love winter, especially cuddling in front of our log fire, but I am actually grateful to have the warmer weather here. It's warming us up, and will hopefully get my girls over their nasty colds and sicknesses they've been battling throughout winter.

I am grateful for the sunny, spring days which allows us to go on picnics or play at the park, and soak up the sun.

"Cherub" having fun in the sun

I am grateful for the warmer weather letting us get out our dresses, t-shirts & shorts and to feel the sun's rays on our bare arms and legs.

I am grateful for the warm winds drying the washing on the clothes line.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot's Village Voices.

05 September 2012

Being creative with pasta

Popette is always wanting to make "something fun". So today I thought we'd make a picture out of pasta as a little craft activity. We love pasta in our household, so it wasn't hard to find some in our pantry.

The picture was so simple to make and didn't take up a lot of time, which is good when you are busy doing the washing, and don't want to pull out the painting supplies! But most of all it gave my big girl the 'craft fix' she needed, so that made us both happy. :)

It was such an easy and fun thing to do, Popette loved sticking down the pasta and using the 'gloopy glue', all you need is an idea of what you want to create and some paper, glue, pasta and pencils.

Do you remember making macaroni craft when you were in pre-school/ kindergarten?

02 September 2012

My blog is 2 years old today

Today it was my blogoversary! I can't believe it's been a whole 2 years since I started blogging and created Off to the Park.

When I first started my blog I didn't have a goal in mind for Off to the Park, or devote it to just one topic. Maybe one day I will. But at the moment it is a hobby. I started Off to the Park, to write about my thoughts and ideas of parenthood as well as document the goings on of my little "Popette".

Since I began two years ago, the blog has grown with the type of content I publish as well as followers (thank you very much :))

As someone who was used to working in a full-time role for nearly 20 years, its been a good outlet for me in writing stuff down (instead of filling up my head). It also helps me utilise my writing skills so they don't get rusty while I'm out of work and allows me to connect with readers (kinda like me being at work and having a chat with my 'desk buddy' or a colleague while making a coffee).

Unless I can get a paid bloggers job, blogging will remain a hobby for me (much to my hubby's annoyance - I'm sure he thinks its a waste of my time). My main role is Mummy to my two girls who I adore, even when they drive me crazy!

If you are first-time visitor to my blog or a follower that visits regularly, thank you for taking the time to visit me at Off to the Park, and I hope you will come back and visit me soon :)