
30 November 2012

Week 47: Christmas Traditions

I can't believe there is only 6 weeks of the "52 Weeks of Grateful" journey left, and a little less than a month until it's Christmas.

I'm glad I started buying the Christmas presents a little earlier than normal this year. It's becoming chaotic finding a parking spot down at the shopping centre. I've only got a couple presents left to buy, and then pick-up the girls presents from lay-by. Then we can start wrapping them up!

When it was just Hubby & I we used to have this little Christmas tradition where we would decorate the fresh Christmas tree we had purchased that day while watching a Christmas DVD, like "Miracle on 34th Street" (one of my favourite's). We'd make up a batch of popcorn, so we could thread it on pieces of string for the tree, then once we finished decorating start on the gift wrapping...more me, than Hubby who's all thumbs in that area!

Last year we started a little Christmas tradition with our girls. On Christmas Eve, we visited a street in our neighbourhood where a group of houses had a great Christmas lights and ornament display. Santa then made a special appearance via an RFS truck, giving out lollies and listening to the kids. "Popette" was very eager to speak to Santa and remind him that she wanted "red jelly beans and a new bike!" I'm sure Santa hadn't forgotten!

"Popette" finding red jelly beans in her Christmas sack!

When we got home "Popette" & I sprinkled some special reindeer food on the front lawn (oats mixed with glitter), then "Popette" placed some cookies and a glass of milk on the fireplace for Santa. The night ended with a hot chocolate, which we drank while watching "Polar Express" on DVD.

It was a lovely little tradition, and is something we hope to continue.

Growing up, my family didn't really have a Christmas tradition as such. The only tradition was catching up with my grandparents and relatives for Christmas lunch each year.

It was always such a busy day, but it was something I remember dearly and enjoyed each year. It was great catching up with my cousins, and seeing my aunts & uncle. Once my Hubby & I got married and had kids that tradition changed, and we only see the relatives every now and again on Christmas day.

So this week I am grateful for Christmas traditions. I am grateful for beginning a new tradition with my girls, where it will hopefully be something they look forward to each year with excitement, and is something they remember fondly.

I am also grateful for the tradition I had growing up, where we would spend Christmas lunch with my family & relatives. This particular tradition will always have a special place in my heart.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices

23 November 2012

Week 46: I am grateful even if my life isn't perfect

I saw this image on Facebook, which reminded me that my life isn't perfect. I think I put too much pressure on myself and forget that I'm only human. Like when I've had a bad day (or two) with the kids, I forget that it's okay if they play on their own for a while or watch TV while I get some stuff done or just have a break. That I don't need to be spending all my time playing with them.

Or if I don't get all the housework done in one day (which has been a constant struggle for me this year) it's okay, and not to beat myself up about it.

Image source: Paying It Forward - One Day at a Time Facebook page 

I've had a crap couple of weeks. Last Tuesday I got a parking fine for being in a spot longer than an hour. It was in the Council carpark, which is where I park each week when I take "Popette" to music class. I park there all the time and have on occassions been there longer than an hour, and not got caught, but this day the rangers just happened to check my spot 5 minutes before I arrived back at the car, and fined me. I was not a happy camper!

Then this week (just happened to be on Tuesday again!) my mobile phone got stolen at the shopping centre. It was a HTC Sensation smart phone, which Hubby bought me for Xmas last year. I was lucky that I had downloaded all of the photo's (1400+) I had on it on to my computer the night before, but I was so annoyed at myself for not being more cautious. I was distracted by the girls and wasn't paying enough attention at the people sitting next to me, who swiped my phone. The security camera caught footage of the person taking my phone and making his way to the train station, so I hope he gets caught.

While it was stupid of me not to be more cautious with my belongings, or to take more notice of how long I've been away from the parking spot, it goes to show I am not perfect.

I guess I have a picture in my mind of what I should be like, you know the perfect housewife/Mother/Wife etc, where I have everything done perfectly. It's taking some time, but I'm slowly coming to the realisation that I don't have to be perfect.

So this week I am:
  • Grateful, even if my life isn't perfect.
  • I am grateful to have the money to pay for the parking fine.
  • I am grateful to have stored all the photo's I had on my phone to a SD card.
  • I am grateful that while my phone was stolen my two girls and I were safe.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

19 November 2012

Christmas Craft: Santa

Here is another little Christmas Craft project Popette and I made together. If you don't recognise the jolly fellow, its Santa! :)

Popette enjoyed gluing on clothes we made out of felt, and cotton balls for his hair, beard, and for his hat and coat.

All you need is:

Cotton balls
Red and black felt
Foam person (available from craft shops)
Black marker pen

The jolly old fellow...ho ho ho!
The Santa and Snowman we made earlier now sit pride of place on the fireplace!

16 November 2012

Week 45: Grateful for daycare

This week I am grateful for daycare. I know its a strange thing to be grateful for, but I really am quite grateful for the two days my "Popette" goes to daycare. Not only do I get a little rest from her asking me a million questions, and from her unlimited bounds of energy. We have found that going to daycare is something "Popette" needs.

It means she has a day of fun (minus Mumma) where she plays with other children, she gets to use her imagination, she learns something new (yesterday it was playing on the computer as part of an introductory free Computer Gym session, which I'm told she loved!) and is part of a little group which gives her a sense of belonging.

On 1st December the daycare will be holding it's Christmas concert, where the kids will perform dances and songs they have been practising at daycare all year. Last year, "Popette" was a little taken back with all the people watching and cried up on stage, so we hope this year she'll be excited and enjoy herself.

I love it when she comes home all excited and tells me about her day, or how much she missed me (I love that part in particular!!).

So this week I am grateful that:
  • We can afford to send "Popette" to daycare two days a week, and for her to learn and experience new things that I can't always teach her at home.
  • To have some one-on-one time with my little "Cherub", without the constant interruptions from her big sister.
  • I get a little time to myself (mainly when "Cherub" has a nap) so I can do something that pleases me, not just the list of chores or housework that constantly is required.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

12 November 2012

Christmas Craft: Snowman

With Christmas getting close I thought I'd put together a couple of small Christmas craft projects for Popette to make.

The first was a snowman which I had hoped she could sit quietly on her own and make while I sorted out some paperwork, of course Mumma had to sit down and help.

All you need is:

An empty toilet roll
Cotton balls
Glue stick
Felt pieces for scarf etc.
Small pom-poms for buttons
Foam ball

Cover the toilet roll with glue and stick on cotton balls. Then decorate your snowman how you choose, we decided on pom-poms for buttons, and a piece of felt for a scarf.

Popette managed to cover the toilet roll with glue and stuck on the cotton balls on her own, as well as a foam ball for the head.

Hot tip: If you are up to it, you could add some pipe cleaners for arms, and a little piece of orange pipe cleaner to represent a carrot for his nose. :)

A link to this project will be added to the Kids craft page, and don't forget to check for other craft ideas that can be found on the page too!

10 November 2012

Week 44: Chance encounters

Yesterday it was my wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe it was 16 years ago  when I married my best friend. Tonight we are having the girls babysat so we can go out for a nice dinner.

This week I am grateful for that chance encounter of meeting my Hubby at the bank he worked at 21 years ago and for him having the nerve to ask me out for lunch.

I am grateful that we are still very much in love today as we were when we married 16 years ago.

I am grateful that we have grown up together, and made beautiful memories together as a couple, and now as a family with our two girls.

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.

What are you grateful for?

02 November 2012

Week 43: Grateful for all the things in my life that makes me happy

Yesterday I was sorting out my bookcase, and found a little piece of paper inside a "self help" book which I no longer wanted. Written on the paper was the following heading and bullet points:

What do I have in my life to be happy for:
  • a loving husband
  • my family (parents & brothers)
  • close friends
  • relatives
  • healthy life for me and my loved ones
  • a beautiful home
  • live in a nice location
  • my boy (the nickname for our dog)
  • a good relationship with my husband & parents

If I was to replace the word "happy" with "grateful", it reads like a post I would write on this blog. What's funny, is that I had written the list over 10 years ago, so was already on the way to feeling grateful for what was already in my life.

The piece of paper I had written over 10 years

If I was to write this list today, it probably wouldn't be that different apart from the addition of my two girls and being their mummy.

It's strange I never focussed on my job or work back then and included it in the list. I guess I didn't see it (or making money) as something that made me happy back then. I guess one day I'd love to find a job I enjoy or am passionate about, but at the moment I will love every minute of being a Stay-at-home Mummy to my two little girls.

So this week I am grateful for the all the things in my life that makes me happy, my home, my friends and relatives, my relationship with my parents & husband, but most of all my family.

What are you grateful for today?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.