
29 September 2014

My blog has turned 4!

As we are in the second week of school holidays I thought I'd take a little break from the blog. Of course I forgot all about this post, and that my little blog had turned 4 over the weekend, so thought I'd be sneaky and quickly get this post published before Hubby sees me on the computer!

Sooo I just want to take this time to very quickly thank everyone who follows me here on the blog or over on my Facebook page.

Over the past four years I have formed some lovely friendships with other bloggers and readers, and have loved connecting with my readers and other like minded people.

I never started Off to the park in the hope that I'd become a big-time blogger with hundreds of followers, so just to have the few readers who do come by and comment on a post, or drop by and say Hi means a lot to me.

So I just want to say thank you!!

Right, now that I've got that off my chest, I will continue on with my little break and hope to see you back here soon.

{Just a quick note: You currently won't be able to see or access my blog's Facebook page as I have deactivated my personal page which also deactivates the blog's Facebook page.}

24 September 2014

Wordless Wednesday | Let's go to the Zoo

Yesterday we had an awesome day celebrating Cherub's 3rd birthday at Taronga Zoo. It was a spectacular Spring day in Sydney the perfect weather for a visit to the Zoo to see the animals. The girls loved the seal show, and the trip on the Sky safari (cable car) the best.

What a day!

Me and the birthday girl on the Sky Safari

The giraffes - love them

Baby chimp

I think the elephants have the best view!

Meerkat - Popette's favourite

Mumma and her baby

23 September 2014

A letter to Cherub who is turning 3

To my little Cherub,

Today you are turning 3! It only feels like you turned 2 last week, let alone last year.

We keep asking you, "How old are you turning?". Sometimes you get it right and say 3. Yesterday you told the Doctor you are turning 6, then changed your mind and said 4!

You were such a sweet bubba, apart from having terrible reflux you slept fairly well and was a happy, content little baby. After all we went through with your big sis, we feel so lucky to have had it so good with you. Even now, you hardly ever seem to have a bad day (I know I shouldn't jinx myself!) and always wake up happy and full of smiles.

You are becoming more and more independent. You will run away with your little friends and play, and not worry so much if you don't see me. If I walk away, you will check that I'm still there and go back to playing with your friends.

You are such a giggle girt, and are always laughing at your sister or something else.

You are such a sweet girl, and always up for a cuddle. While you have been a little slow with your talking, you are now a little chatterbox and talk non-stop.

To celebrate your birthday Daddy is taking the day off work, and taking us all to the Zoo, hooray!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

All my love,
Mumma xxoo

21 September 2014

Being grateful: Popette's 1st year of school, School holidays, and time with my Cherub

On Friday Popette finished another term at school and is now on school holidays for the next couple of weeks. I gotta say I am really loving her first year of school. I am grateful that I am able to enjoy the special events that the school holds. Last Tuesday they held a Sports day for K-2 which Cherub & I attended. Popette had a fun day and came 2nd in one of her races, so was rather pleased with herself.

Popette walking with a beanbag on her head

Then on Thursday we went to Popette's school assembly to watch the whole of Kindergarten perform some farm songs. Popette was selected as a "Sheep" and had to wear white clothes. Popette loves colour, so didn't have too much white to choose from so ended up wearing her school top along with some black pants (I guess sheep have black legs!). 

She was so cute with her sheep mask on and wiggling her bum when she sang.

My little sheep - baah
I am looking forward to spending some quality time with both my girls over the holidays so will be a little quiet on the blogging front. 

Next Tuesday we have Cherub's 3rd birthday (I don't know how that happened), and to celebrate it Hubby is taking the day off work and taking us all to the Zoo. Then we will have a party with some friends and relatives on the following Sunday.

I am grateful to have spent the past couple years watching Cherub grow up. She is such a sweet girl, and makes me laugh and feel so very loved. 

Cherub & I riding "Thomas the Tank Engine"
I adore both my girls, but I think this age (2 turning 3) is probably my favourite. I can't get enough of Cherub and the little things that she does and says.

17 September 2014

Wordless Wednesday | In my garden

Lately I've been finding myself in our garden soaking up the spring weather, savouring the flowers and plum tree which are in full bloom, and capturing it with my camera.

Photography was a hobby I loved before I had my girls, but over the years its been more about taking photos of us and the girls, then taking anything else. As part of my guiding word "Reclaim" I am taking back the love I had for photography and hope to share more photos with you here.

09 September 2014

My guiding words progress

At the beginning of the year I gave myself three guiding words; Positive, Savour, and Reclaim, to work to rather than a list of resolutions I may not keep. At the time I was feeling quite determined to get on top of these words and what they mean to me, not realising how tricky it might be. I don't know why I couldn't have settled on just one, it would have made life a whole lot easier for me!

My 3 guiding words

At the time I knew there were things in my life that needed changing, and these 3 words represented what I needed to change the most. 

Positive - Keeping positive is a work in progress for me. When I am feeling negative, I have found keeping a smile on my face and being positive can sometimes be difficult. One way I try to remain positive is to be grateful. Thinking about what I am grateful for in my life always seems to make me feel better when my mind is in the dumps.

Savour - This is one word I am certainly making the most of. Not only I am savouring our time together as a family, but I'm also fortunate to be there for Popette's first year at school. I have attended all of the special events they have held at school, like Book Week parade a couple weeks ago, which are so precious and something I'll remember for years to come.   

Reclaim - We have had a dreadful year of sickness in our family, just when I feel well after being sick I seem to come down with something else. I was really hoping to get my health and fitness in check this year, but its been weeks since I've been to the gym and comfort food has taken over healthy eating in the colder months. 

One area that is making nice progress is reclaiming my hobbies. A while ago I promised to make the girls a princess costume each. I have made a start on Popette's "Queen Elsa" dress, and sewn a skirt, now just need to make the top and cape. I still need to start Cherub's "Cinderella" dress, which she keeps reminding me about. I am hoping to have them both finished by the end of the month, when we have Cherub's 3rd birthday party.

I am also spending more time on my art. Lately it's been doodling in my art journal, after buying myself some watercolour paper yesterday I am hoping to get back to my painting. 

Saying goodbye to the clutter and keeping the house tidy has been a slow process! I have been culling through the girls artwork, toys, books and only keeping a few special ones rather than everything. There are days when I've had the house looking great. So keeping on top of that has been a challenge.

Did you have a guiding word this year? Were you able to keep to it?

01 September 2014

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

Yaaay it's the first day of Spring and what a beautiful day it is! I am so glad to have Winter finally behind us. Yesterday we had a glorious sunny day and at our favourite park for a play in the sun, then returned home and drew chalk drawings on the driveway.

I am so looking forward to plenty of gorgeous sunny days at the park, barbeques on our deck and family picnics! Its days like these I enjoy the most.

I hope you have a great week!! :)