
09 May 2017

We have only Today


I get breakfast ready, make your lunches, pack your bags, warn you a hundred or so times (maybe not but it feels like it) to hurry and get dressed or I'll turn the TV off.

We walk hand-in-hand to and from school me listening to your happy, excited voices tell me about your day, who you played with, what you learnt and what exciting things are happening at school.

When you get home I get you a snack, and help you with your homework, listen to you read, watch you conquer new are learning more and only feels like yesterday you were learning to talk.

We sometimes kick the ball, play a game or paint together before dinner. 

We laugh and make up silly songs and stories, play Wii games together, go for nature walks, visit friends, talk about holidays we've been on or want to take together, have campfires in our backyard, ride scooters and blow bubbles.


You were going to preschool/daycare, we played in the park, we went for walks while you rode your bike, trike or was pushed in the pram, you'd ask me to make something special or played blocks with you, we went to music class, listened to stories at the library, played with friends at playgroup and enjoyed baking or making craft together. 

You had a day nap, asked me in excited little voice "Is Daddy going to be home soon" squealing when he walked through the door, got excited when Daddy yelled out "It's bath time" and hurriedly crawled down the hallway to the inviting bath, went for rides on Daddy's strong shoulders, listened to us read you bedtime stories, had 'sandwhich cuddles' so tight I was worried I'd hurt you.

You were taking your first steps, saying your first words, giving me big smiles and giggles when I made you laugh, you rolled on the floor, kicked your legs about in the bath, enjoyed listening to Daddy sing to you, giggled and cried a lot, and loved me as much as I loved you! 

To my gorgeous girls:

I did all the things a Mumma does while watching you both grow into sweet little girls.
I know today doesn't last long, but if I think back to yesterday it went by just as quickly.
I am ensuring I cherish each and every day with you both.
I love you both so so much and so grateful that I am your Mumma.

02 May 2017

A visual update

Well we are back to it! We had a nice couple weeks rest over the school holidays. Hubby had two weeks off work (1 and a half weeks with the girls and the rest of the week with me) Apart from a bad reflux attack which resulted in a 4hr visit to the ER one Sunday night, it was lovely to spend a few days together by ourselves. We got some painting done in the house while the girls were at school, its nice to freshen up the place. It's been years since we've done any painting, so I had forgotten how sore my arms and shoulders were going to be afterwards!

We went camping at Dubbo and Coonabarabran for 3 nights over the holidays enjoying the sunshine during the day and star gazed at night. We were lucky enough to see a couple shooting stars (or meteors to be more technical) while at Dubbo.

Here are a few photos of our camping trip.

Mine and Cherub's favourite...Giraffes seems such placid animals...

until one walked right up to the Safari truck we were on (he seemed friendly enough), and you hear the person on the other end of the CB say "Get out of there!!"

So nice seeing Hippo's playing together - when I say playing, it was what the Adults were telling the children, it was you know that sort of playing!! 
We loved these guys
Having a wrestle
Lovely old fella enjoying the sun, while his young played Mum was busy having alone time!! (I can understand that!)

Enjoying a little snack with the Zebras...more placid animals (you just can't see the electrified fence to keep them in!)

A view of the Warrumbungles National Park
We checked out the telescope at Siding Springs observatory
We took the girls star gazing at a local Observatory in Coonabarabran and saw Jupiter

Coonabarabran on a Thursday night!

Driving to the Warrumbungles National Park - I love the long stretch of road with the mountain backdrop!
Have you been to Dubbo Zoo? Does your family like camping?