
26 August 2011

The countdown begins

Well the countdown has begun in our household to the arrival of 'Bump'. There's only 3 1/2 weeks to go, which is crazy....I can't believe she's going to be here that soon. This pregnancy has certainly flown by for me. It only feels like yesterday when I announced it on my blog and told our family & friends.

So far everything seems to be going well. I saw my OB/GYN yesterday and she was happy with my blood pressure, which was at its all time low, for a change. I had an ultrasound on the Monday and the results of that showed that baby is in the 25th percentile, and is now 2.2kg which is double the size of "Popette" when she was born. The fluid around the baby was good and she was in a nice position.

My OB/GYN seems to think we shouldn't have any major problems now that we've reached the 34 1/2 week mark (yippee!!). Only a few weeks ago we were worried that she might be born at 34 weeks, but now it looks like we've passed that hurdle and going to reach our goal of 38 weeks - which makes hubby & I very happy, as she'll be born full-term and nearly at the end of my pregnancy. I'll also get to experience her rooming-in with me in the private hospital, which I'm excited about as I get my own room.

I would of liked to have tried a natural labour, but my Drs feel that it's better for me to have a casearean section in case I develop pre-eclampsia or have problems with my blood pressure towards the end of pregnancy. So it looks like I'll be getting booked in for a casear fairly soon. My OB/GYN doesn’t want to decide on a delivery date as yet, since things like my blood pressure etc can change quickly for me over the next couple weeks, so she’ll continue to see me weekly then make a decision.

Today we had "Bump's" tallboy delivered, so I'm hoping hubby & I can get the room setup and decorated over the weekend. We still have to purchase the wall decal for "Popette's" room. I've found one that has butterflies, bugs and flowers, which I think will look nice and which has "Popette's" approval. Hubby is also wanting to add some wooden trim where the wallpaper border used to be...there's a white line there now so we want to hide it. No use sticking up another wallpaper border as "Popette" will just take it down like the other one. Then all we need to do in "Popette's" room is decide whether to move the cot, and replace the bookcase. I was hoping to get some artwork done and up on both girl's walls, but I think this might have to wait.

We're continuing to have problems with "Popette" not wanting to sleep in her 'big girls bed', so have been trying to decide if its best that we remove the cot altogether or let her stay in it. As there's only 3 1/2 weeks to go until "Bump" is born, we don't want "Popette" to regress further if we go pushing her. The baby will be sleeping in a bassinette in our room for the first few months so won't need the cot for a while, so we're wondering if it might be best to move her into to her 'big girls bed' later on.

My house still looks like a bomb has hit it. It's really starting to frustrate me that I can't get a lot of stuff done. I try and do little bits of tidying up and cleaning so I'm not 'overdoing it' but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Of course hubby is happy to help, but he thinks the yard is more important (men with their yards!!) and doesn't think the house is 'that bad'. I think having a clean and tidy house is more important, considering we live within the house and not in our back/front yards, plus for me I can't do a lot of things at the moment, and if I wanted to invite someone over - can't because the house is a mess and needs tidying up and floors vaccummed etc. Where's the cleaning fairy when you need her?


  1. I'm so very happy for you Julie. I've been thinking of you and praying for you. So glad you've got to experience the third trimester. :)
    With regards to Poppette sleeping in the big girl bed, is there room to chuck a mattress on the floor beside her bed? We have a mattress on the floor beside Alexis and the first night I slept in there with her (you might have to get hubby to do it) and we haven't had any problems. Then again Alexis absolutely hated the cot so she really wanted the bed.

    best of luck :)

  2. Thanks Karlee :-) Best of luck with your labour, I'm guessing you don't have long to go either.

    Not sure what to do about the issue with the bed, maybe she's just not ready. We have her cot still in her room plus her bed, so not a lot of room on the floor for a mattress. I tried to get her to sleep in her bed again today, we got as far as her teddies and baby all tucked in and I moved her night light next to the bed so she could see it, then at the last minute she wanted her 'baby's bed'.


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