
21 October 2011

4 weeks old already

Where has the time little 'Cherub' is 4 weeks old today, its so not fair!! I thought I'd share some recent photos of my gorgeous little girl with you. I can't help myself, lately I have been busy taking photo's with my camera or on our mobiles of her.

She's such a sweet little thing, but has been suffering with reflux. For the past few weeks she has been unsettled and keeping Mummy & Daddy awake all hours of the night with her crying. She's on medication so hopefully it'll help her.

'Cherub' is putting on weight. As of last Wednesday she put on 420 grams. She is being breastfed as well as having formula. I'm hoping I can continue to breastfeed her, but as with "Popette" I've been having issues with my milk supply and have been on medication to try and increase it.

I can't forget my other gorgeous girl "Popette", here's a recent snap of her with "Iggle Piggle" at the shops. "Popette" loves her new little sister, but is having a few behavioural problems with Mummy & Daddy, mostly Mummy :(

I'm hoping she gets over it soon, and goes back to being my sweet girl. I miss my little girl a lot. Its rather upsetting when she doesn't want anything to do with Mummy, and only wants Daddy. I don't know what I'll do when Hubby goes back to work in two weeks time.

1 comment:

  1. Two beautiful girls. xx. I hope Popette adjusts quickly. its been tricky for my girl since her brother arrived too. she differs between only wanting me and wanting nothing to do with me.


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