
10 December 2011

Ho Ho Achoo!

So much for lovely, sunny, hot Summer days and barmy evenings!! The weather we've been having lately has been so unpredictable, one minute its raining and is that cold we've needed our warm pj's and heaters on, then the next minute its boiling hot and we have the air-conditioner on. What will be next?

Because of our weird weather conditions my little family have all come down with colds :( Poor "Popette" has been affected the most. "Popette" started out with hayfever (we think!), but two weeks later still has a runny nose, and now a chesty cough that keeps her awake at night.

Poor little "Cherub" is also struggling. She's all congested and nasily. Poor little darling. Its so hard to know what to do at this age, I've been using FESS nasal spray and have had the vaporiser on. This morning I rubbed some Baby Balsam on her chest...I hope she doesn't get any worse. I think she got it from her big sister....who can't help but kiss and cuddle "Cherub".

Both Hubby & I are feeling under the weather also. Not a nice way to be spending Christmas.

Both my munchikins and Hubby are in bed having a sleep. Hopefully when they wake up they'll be feeling a little better.

We were hoping to buy and decorate our Christmas tree today. Every year we go to a Christmas tree farm where Hubby and I pick out a tree we love, which he then saws down. We both grew up in a household with a fake plastic Christmas tree, so buying a fresh tree is a real treat for us. We love the smell of the fresh pine needles. It's become a little tradition of us going to the farm and picking out our tree. We can't wait for the girls to get bigger so they can join in on the excitement.

Depending on how Hubby is feeling, he might have to pick up the tree on his own, as we just don't have room in the family car anymore for all of us to go together.

I'm hoping we'll get over this cold soon, and will start feeling better for Christmas...I can't believe it's only two weeks away, and my little "Cherub" who is now 11 weeks old, will be 3 months old. Where has that time gone?

Thankfully I've got most of the Christmas presents bought. I just need to buy a few more, and pick-up some presents that I had on Christmas lay-by with K-Mart. I was a little upset on Thursday night. I went to pick them up when I was told that they didn't have it! So now they have to get the presents I selected six months ago from a delivery centre and ship them to my local store. Hopefully I'll have them in time for next weekend, which is when we are celebrating Christmas with my family.

Do you or your family have any traditions that you do each Christmas?

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