
03 February 2012

Week 5: A smile

This week I am grateful for a smile. Whether it is from my 4 month old bubba "Cherub", which I am yet to capture on my camera or her big sister "Popette".

I love it when I talk to "Cherub" and in return get a big goofy, sometimes drooly, smile beaming back at me...she really does melt my heart and when I've had a crappy day, she brightens it up.

Here's a photo of almost a smile

Lately "Cherub's" big sister "Popette" has stopped smiling for the camera on demand, so when taking photo's I've had to be sneaky in capturing her smiling. Luckily I caught a lovely one of her at her birthday party. She is my beautiful big girl, and while she might drive me crazy at times, I love her to bits.

My big girl
Seeing my two girls together always brings a smile to my face. I guess because they are my pride and joy, and bring my husband and I much happiness.

My two girls

What made you smile today?

If you liked this you might like:

Week 4: My family
Week 3: Inspiration

If you have enjoyed reading my weekly 'grateful' posts, why not come and join me on my "52 weeks of grateful" journey. Unfortunately, I don't have a Linky tool, but you can always leave me a link to your blog or post in the Comments box. 


  1. That is lovely - I remember when mine were so small - it makes me sigh when i see such little ones and I remember the cooing, drooly,smiles and giggles!

    1. Thanks Deb, they are lovely when they're's when they get bigger they start to become a handful ;)

  2. I would definitely classify the 'almost' smile as a definite smile. Her eyes are full of joy and she is just lovely. Both your girls are, Julie. Thank you so much for linking up with us today. x

  3. It's so hard to capture smiles on camera isn't it!

    Your two girls are adorable - amazing the power kids can have to brighten our days.xx

    1. Thanks very much, I still haven't got a great photo of "Cherub" smiling, she seems a tad camera shy :)

  4. What cuties. Nothing beats a sweet baby smile.


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