
19 February 2012

Week 7: My camera

I am grateful for my trusty camera, without it I wouldn't be able to capture any of the memories my husband and I have shared, including the birth of our two gorgeous girls and the holiday destinations we have travelled to.

Photography is a passion of mine. I love taking photographs of my sweet girls, far away places, family and relatives, as well as capturing memories that we can reflect on down the track.

I have a Nikon Coolpix 5700 digital camera. It is a great camera, it's getting a little old now (over 7 years old) and is rather heavy and slow compared to the newer, smaller and faster digital cameras that are on the market, but it still takes beautiful photographs.

Our trusty friend has gone on quite a few holidays with my husband and I back in the day when we were "DINKS" (double income no kids). In 2006, my husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary, and celebrated by travelling to Paris. We love Paris. We stayed there for a whole 3 was wonderful. The only bad thing, besides the hotel we stayed in, was that our camera stopped working on day 2! It was sad that our friend wasn't able to capture all of our holiday, instead a little Sony digital camera which we bought while there captured the rest of our holiday.

The Sony has since died, however our trusty Nokia once fixed, is still fighting fit and taking beautiful photographs.

You can view some of my favourite holiday photographs stored on Flickr here.

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1 comment:

  1. It's my 10th wedding anniversary this year and we are going to Paris too! We're doing a road trip down to Venice. Yippee! I hope my camera lasts the distance... the show you did capture are terrific. Lots of ideas for me for sights to capture and enjoy. x


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