
27 February 2012

Week 8: Making time for yourself

I am a little late in writing my grateful post for last week, so will be writing two this week. I have been trying to get the house in to some sort of order, and at the same time not spend so much time on the computer...well it looks like the computer is winning.

My Aunt always says "You either a cleaner or a cook, and good at one but not the other", hmmm...not sure what category that slots me into. I'm neither a great cleaner nor the greatest cook!
I've never been a great tidier or cleaner. Even as a child I had a messy room...hmm...there seems to be a pattern. I remember telling my future husband that when I had my own place I would have more room, and it would be easier to keep it tidy. He will often remind me of this conversation.

Getting back to this week's grateful post.

This week I am grateful for days when I can make time for myself, whether that's enjoying a coffee; reading a
magazine; driving in the car with music, of my choice, blaring; taking part in some retail therapy; catching up with a friend; or just taking a relaxing shower or bath.

On Saturday I went and got my hair coloured and cut. It was nice to sit back and relax, read some magazines, enjoy a coffee and indulge in the head massage...the best part! But most of all, it was nice to have a break. And not have to answer to Mummy or worry about my two girls wanting or needing something from me.

My hubby and the girls were off to pick-up our niece for a sleepover, so that left me with time to get my hair done and then a spot of shopping afterwards.

Although I did miss them all, it was nice to have a little time to myself. There are days when I have had enough of staring at the mess I call my home, and tired of changing dirty nappies and washing and cleaning things I only washed & cleaned the day before.

As a mother you often put everyone else's wants and needs before your own. I find that I if I have a little time to myself, it makes me a happier Mummy and Wife. It also allows me to  handle whatever is thrown at me as I feel refreshed and am re-energised. 


  1. I know it's awful, but it's very rare that I miss my fam on the occasions when I have some time to myself. I just love it and see them all later!! x

    1. Hehe, don't worry, I do have days when I don't miss them all that much, especially my 3 year old. :)

  2. I love having time on my own and love that it gives us the opportunity to have that space and come back together and share our adventures and lives - usually we are right there so little is required in the sharing...


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