
12 May 2012

Week 19: Flowers

Today I was bought a lovely box of flowers from my Hubby for Mother's Day tomorrow, and made me think of how flowers can invoke memories of places we may have visited, loved
ones who are no longer with us, or special occassions.

Whenever I see Cornflowers or Carnations, it makes me think of my late grandparents who loved these flowers.

Anytime I see Carnations, Chrysanthemum's, Sweet peas, and Orchids - it reminds me of my Dad's garden and green house out the back of my childhood home where he grew vegetables and flowers.

When I was growing up my parents and grandparents would wear a Chrysanthemum in their coat lapel on Mother's day.

Whenever I see Kangaroo Paws it reminds me of a trip I went on with my parents when I was fourteen to Western Australia.

My parents had planned the trip as a special "retirement gift" for Dad. We went on the Indian Pacific, which I thought was "cool" as I had my own room and got woken up each morning before sunrise with a cup of tea, which I would then drink while watching the sunrise over the Nullarbor

The thing my parents loved most about the trip, was the Western Australian Wildflowers coach tours we had gone on. They took a lot of photographs of flowers, which they later converted into slides.

For my Dad's recent birthday I created a photo book of some photographs taken on this holiday, including many of the flowers my parents loved seeing.

Therefore, I am grateful for flowers and all the memories they bring, new and old.


  1. That's a very sweet idea for a gift, Julie. My favourite flowers and the ones I have most memories tidied to, are peonies. x

    1. Thanks Bron, peonies are beautiful. I don't think I have one favourite flower, I love so many :)


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