
24 May 2012

Week 21: Time

Isn't it nice when you have time on your side?

I don't necessarily mean "me time", just time in general. Like when you need to get something that you've been meaning to do done and never seem to find the time. I'm not talking about housework or chores like mopping the floors, I mean stuff that you keep putting on the backburner and never getting around to finishing or doing.

For instance, for me, it's finding the time to get a whole lot of photos printed and then put them away in photo albums. When Popette was born I bought a baby album which I still haven't finished adding photos too. I'd like to put together one for Cherub also, but still haven't found an album for her yet.

Plus I've got quite a few unfinished craft and art projects that I've started, that I'd also like the time to complete.

Today Popette is at daycare, so I'm at home with Cherub. I was hoping to take Cherub down the road and get a few things of which is to get said photos printed. Now that it's raining, I'm thinking of staying put and leaving it for another day...but then again...I don't always have the time to do it. So this week I am grateful for time.


  1. Lovely post Julie, I can completely relate - my daughter is fourteen months old and I haven't finished her 'baby' album yet and am not at all up to date with getting photos developed. It's always on my to-do list..

    1. Thanks Katharine :) I hope you find time to complete the baby album. I used to be able update it when "Popette" had a nap, but now that she's older it'll have to wait when she's at daycare.

  2. Totally get this, Julie. There are so many things on my 'getting around to it' list! I have been trying to move my daughter's bedroom around for 2 months now. I am still not finished! Fitting the 'extra' things into an already busy day is very difficult indeed.

    The photos... oh, the photos!


    1. Thanks Bron :) Hmm...maybe I should stop taking photo's so I have less to print out.

      Good luck with changing your's daughter's room, I hope you get to it soon.

  3. I love getting time to work on one of my many 'projects'. It feels really great. Although neither of the kids albums are complete (My eldest is 4!).

    1. Thanks happylan, I do love it too, I should try and find the time to work on more of my projects, lately I've been spending time doing craft with "Popette" which she loves.

      I hope you get to complete your kids albums soon!! :)

  4. I very much need to get photos printed too - have resorted to ordering my prints online! Lovely post x

    1. Thanks Elisa, ordering prints online is a great idea, I'll have to give it a go. :)

  5. Oh, you just reminded me that I'm about six months behind on printing photos of the kiddo. Damn. I need some 'me' time!

    1. Ooops sorry Kylie :) I know what you mean though...I have photo's from Christmas which I still need to print.

  6. Yes, that time for 'extras' is always so hard to find. Glad you got some stay at home time.

    1. Thanks Nat, before having kids I can remember I had all the time in the world for the 'extras', now it's a luxury to get a couple hours.

  7. I so love getting onto of those extra ordinary things. It usually means letting something regular aka housework go by the wayside, but it's always worth it.

    1. Thanks Miss Mandy :) I agree. I think we all need to spend some time doing those extra ordinary things that makes us happy.


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