
28 July 2012

Week 30: Grateful for what I have

Today I caught up with some girlfriends for brunch who I hadn't seen for 6 months, we see each other maybe twice a year, and catchup on what each other has been up to. One of my friends has just come back from an amazing holiday in Africa.

While she was there she partaked in a "working bee" in the community of Nakuru, Kenya, where she helped paint furniture in an orphanage, organise activities for the kids at the local school, and delivered food to the needy.

She told us stories about people who had lost their homes due to a change in parliament. Where one day they were living in a lovely home filled with possessions, and the next living in an old tent or shack at the local tip amongst the garabage, where they scavenged for food and materials to use as shelter. She delivered food to these people, who were so appreciative danced and sang songs in return. It was a real eye-opener of a trip for her, and made her feel grateful that she could help in such a small way.

I think of those poor people in Africa living at that tip, with no fresh food or water, no proper shelter or clothing for themselves or their children, and that's if they have their children living at "home". Most children in these conditions are taken away from their families and put in an orphanage.

Most children will not go to school as their families can't afford to send them, or families can only afford to send one child to school.

Its so sad and makes me think how grateful and lucky I am for what I have. I am so grateful to be born in a country such as Australia, and to be living in a house with a floor and four walls, running water and electricity, not to mention, have food in our bellies and clothes on our backs.

I think there are times when I take things for granted, and not think about our fortunate we really are, but today I am grateful for what I have.

20 July 2012

Week 29: Grateful for Craft

In our household we love to make craft. "Popette" loves making people out of pom-poms, googly eyes, pipe cleaners and paper rolls, or cutting out pieces of paper and sticking them down to form a collage.

Another favourite of hers is stickers,  and not to forget painting - which she inherited from Mummy (Poor Daddy hasn't got an artistic bone in his body!)

Caterpillars made out of egg cartons

For as long as I can remember, I have loved art & craft. When I was young I would spend hours copying pictures out of my favourite fairytale books into my sketchbook, or creating something out of paddle pop sticks or be painting a masterpiece. Art was my favourite subject in high school and something I still love today. So I love that "Popette" has taken a shine to it.

Like "Popette", I used to love going to the shop and stocking up on art and craft supplies, then later going home and using them all up! I love seeing "Popette" use her imagination and create something out of paper or her pipe cleaners, and later tell me what she has made...especially when I can't tell what it is, but to her it is what it is.

Girl made out of manilla folder, pipe cleaners, buttons and wool
She loves to show her craft off to Daddy when he gets home from work, or sometimes takes it in to daycare for her 'news'.

There are days when I couldn't be bothered getting the paints or craft supplies out and setting it up for her, but its when I see her enjoyment that it doesn't bother me anymore and don't mind cleaning up the mess.

We love watching shows like "Mister Maker" and "Play School", which provides some fantastic craft ideas. Lately shops like Riot Art and Craft and Spotlight, have become "Popette's" favourite shops, and whenever we are in the main shopping centre, she'll gravitate towards the Riot Art store.

What I love most about our little crafting sessions is the special time I share with "Popette", and the joy that craft brings to my little girl. So this week I am grateful for craft.

I am joining Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot's Village Voices on "52 weeks of grateful".

What are you grateful for?

18 July 2012

I've had enough of sickness

Well we've had another week of sickness in our household. Only last week Hubby had bronchitis and was off for the week. As he was paranoid about giving it to me, he slept on the sofa bed in the lounge room so to avoid giving it to me, he's a good man.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

On Sunday, he seemed better, so we went on a nice drive up the mountains and enjoyed an ice cream, then "Popette" had a play in the park.

Later that night, "Popette" complained of a soar tummy, and started vomitting. First time was in bed, then a few more times over the next couple of hours. Hubby made a last night dash to the 24 hour chemist up the road, and bought some medication to settle her tummy. On Monday, she seemed fine, but yesterday she was complaining of a soar tummy again, and threw up once again.

Hubby and I thought it might of been a case of food poisoning from the ice cream she ate, but last night her sister, "Cherub" started vomitting.

The poor little thing, she is only 10 months old so there wasn't much we could do for her apart from giving her fluids which she later brought up. Hubby took her down to the hospital, where he waited in the Emergency department for nearly 4 hours when he had enough and came home at 2.45am.

While waiting I disinfected all of "Cherub's" toys that her and "Popette" had been playing with. I then disinfected the high chair which was vomitted in. I still can't seem to get the smell out. Today I've been washing, cleaning and mopping.

Now poor "Popette" is vomitting again. I've had enough!!!

I feel like someone has there little voodoo doll out with a photo of me and my family, then pinning it with sayings 'make all family members sick'.

13 July 2012

Week 28: Grateful for Laughter

This afternoon hubby and I were driving our girls back from an outing to the shops. "Cherub" was overtired as she had been up for a few hours and needed to go to bed, so was a bit whingy in the back. Thankfully "Popette" (3.5) was in fine form, and was entertaining us all by singing songs in her high pitched silly voice, making her little sister and us giggle.

"Popette" had been singing "Galumph, went the little green frog one day", with an alternate second verse, which went like this:

Galumph, went the little green frog one day,
Galumph, went the little green frog
Galumph, went the little green frog one day,
and his eyes went galumph, galumph, galumph

Now we all know frogs go pffft (raspberry sound) in the microwave,
pffft in the microwave,
pffft in the microwave,
We all know frogs go pffft in the microwave,
They don't go galumph, galumph, galumph!

Of course this made the girls and ourselves laugh out loud.

"Popette"  then made animal noises, with Mummy's encouragement, making her little sister laugh even more.

"Cherub" has got such a lovely little laugh, it's hearty for someone her age. The first time we heard it she was about 4 months old. She was watching her sister jump up and down, which made her laugh uncontrollably.  It was the first time we had heard anything from her.

So this week I am grateful for the sweet laughter of my two girls, it makes me feel good and reminds me that I should laugh more often and not take life so seriously.

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Village Voices on the 52 weeks of Grateful journey.

What are you grateful for?

09 July 2012

Knitting up a storm (ok, just a square) for a good cause

Today I've given myself a learn how to knit! My Mum has tried showing me how to knit quite a few times over the years, but I can never remember how to 'cast-on' properly. So this morning, "Cherub" and I had a cuppa with my parents, and I got my Mum to show me, yet again, how to "cast-on" and knit a couple rows in garter stitch.

Both my parents are wonderful knitters, and have knitted me various scarfs, cardigans and jumpers over the years. I can't count how many beanies they have made for both my girls or little booties. Mum has made trauma teddies and beanies for various charities.

My Dad used to have an old Brother knitting machine, which he would have setup in the lounge room in our family home, knitting jumpers and cardigans for various people. Mum also likes to crochet, so
I've put in an order for some crocheted booties for "Cherub" which I saw in the latest "Family Circle" magazine, which are adorable.

I would like to try and make them myself...but one project at a time.

The reason I'm trying knitting first, is because of a postcard I saw at the library. The postcard was about "Knit In" which is an annual event where knitters and crafters of all types (beginners to the advanced) are invited to knit up squares or wraps to help the charity "Wrap with Love" provide blankets to those who suffer from the extreme cold.
I'm hoping I can find the time get a few squares least one (every bit counts right?) by the required timeframe of Friday 3rd August.

If you are interested in taking part of the "Knit In" event, see the below link for further details.

KNIT IN - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

For information regarding specifications and how to drop off finished squares or wraps see the "Knit In" instructions here.

06 July 2012

Week 27: Friends

Yesterday, "Cherub" and I had lunch with a few Mums and kids from the Mums group I belong to. It was nice seeing everyone and to hear what everyone's been up to.

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Its great when you can chat to someone who understands what you are going through whether it's with the kids or finding a spare second to yourself...even if it is a couple minutes so you can go to the toilet in peace! All I'd like is a few minutes so I can drink my coffee while it's still hot.

Unfortunately, the Mums group doesn't catch up that frequently anymore. Several Mums have returned to work making it hard for everyone to catchup, plus there's been a few Mums who have moved away from the area so the group has reduced in size.

I have been lucky to make a couple of good friends out of the group. We communicate with each other fairly regularly, usually its a quick email or text, but it's really nice when I get a phone call or text message <insert social media type here> from one of them to say "Hi".

One friend has moved closer to the City, so catchups with her and her kids will be few and far between. If I wasn't so terrible at navigating, I would drive myself and the girls over to her place, but it seems so daunting to me as I've never driven that far on my own. Hubby is planning a drive with me one day so I can find the easiest (more like less stressful) way to her place.

While I don't have a huge group of friends, I find it's better to have quality friendships rather than a quantity of friends. So this week I am grateful for my friends.