
20 July 2012

Week 29: Grateful for Craft

In our household we love to make craft. "Popette" loves making people out of pom-poms, googly eyes, pipe cleaners and paper rolls, or cutting out pieces of paper and sticking them down to form a collage.

Another favourite of hers is stickers,  and not to forget painting - which she inherited from Mummy (Poor Daddy hasn't got an artistic bone in his body!)

Caterpillars made out of egg cartons

For as long as I can remember, I have loved art & craft. When I was young I would spend hours copying pictures out of my favourite fairytale books into my sketchbook, or creating something out of paddle pop sticks or be painting a masterpiece. Art was my favourite subject in high school and something I still love today. So I love that "Popette" has taken a shine to it.

Like "Popette", I used to love going to the shop and stocking up on art and craft supplies, then later going home and using them all up! I love seeing "Popette" use her imagination and create something out of paper or her pipe cleaners, and later tell me what she has made...especially when I can't tell what it is, but to her it is what it is.

Girl made out of manilla folder, pipe cleaners, buttons and wool
She loves to show her craft off to Daddy when he gets home from work, or sometimes takes it in to daycare for her 'news'.

There are days when I couldn't be bothered getting the paints or craft supplies out and setting it up for her, but its when I see her enjoyment that it doesn't bother me anymore and don't mind cleaning up the mess.

We love watching shows like "Mister Maker" and "Play School", which provides some fantastic craft ideas. Lately shops like Riot Art and Craft and Spotlight, have become "Popette's" favourite shops, and whenever we are in the main shopping centre, she'll gravitate towards the Riot Art store.

What I love most about our little crafting sessions is the special time I share with "Popette", and the joy that craft brings to my little girl. So this week I am grateful for craft.

I am joining Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot's Village Voices on "52 weeks of grateful".

What are you grateful for?


  1. Oh a love for craft means children will never get bored, or tire from their own imagination, just lovely, love Posie

  2. :Lovely Julie - my girls are very crafty as well and i love their creations - that manila folder girl is adorable!!

    1. Thanks Deb, it's great fun watching their little imaginations run wild :)

  3. Yes, I am a huge fan of crafting with littlies too. It really does provide the best quality time with them :)

    1. Thanks Katie :) I love craft time too, its so much fun in our house.

  4. Good morning! Well, it's interesting for me as I wasn't a crafty girl. I was all outdoors or indoors writing, not crafting. Might have knitted a scarf once but that's it. Then my two older boys were totally not into. But when I had my boy/girl twins - what a change. Little Minnie the Minx LOVES craft and we now have a fab cupboard and I like it too. Grateful fo little girls.

    1. Hi Seana, I am grateful for little girls too!! I'm glad you are getting to enjoy crafting :)

  5. OH, yes, we love craft around here, too. Mostly we use what we find around the house, but I'm also ever so grateful for all those vouchers that they keep on sending me from Spotlight ;)

    1. Hi Tat, It's amazing what junk can be turned into something useful for crafting. We've used lids from juice bottles and a weetbix box and turned it into a bus for "Popette's" Barbies! :)

  6. Crafting is awesome and those little creations are just fab.

    Visiting via the Grateful Hop :)


    1. Aww thanks Sarah.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, I'll make sure I pop over and visit yours :)

  7. Mister Maker is a big hit here too! So lovely that you can share creativity with your little one! I often wish I was naturally crafty, but truth is I'm only just now getting into it and exploring my creativity because my little one loves it so much! x

    1. Thanks Elisa, Mister Maker and Play School are great for ideas. Sometimes when I'm out of ideas, I'll Google "kids crafts" which comes up with some great sites.

      I hope craft time becomes an enjoyable time with your litte one :)

  8. Mister Maker is awesome. I do have craft stuff readily available for the kids, minus texts and paint, they can spend so much time creating things and developing their imaginations. Just lovely post.

  9. It's amazing what you can make with egg cartons, pipe cleaners and a lick of paint! Although I wasn't the 'craft with kids' kind of mum, that's what I sent mine to pre-school for! ;-)

    1. Thanks Lisa, I'm glad I could be 'environmentally friendly' and recycle egg cartons :) I have a couple friends who refuse to do craft at home so their kids only get to do it at daycare :)

  10. I too love the special time that Pebble and I spend crafting - I can see how much she gets out of it, not just the fun, but being together.


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