
28 August 2012

"Popette" painting on canvas

"Popette" loves to paint. It's one of her favourite things to do (as it is mine). Whenever I ask her if she wants to do some painting, she gets very excited and runs straight to the dining room (our art studio) waiting for me to cover the table with newspaper and bring out the supplies.

For something different, I thought I'd introduce her to painting on canvas. She's always painting on paper, so I thought she could try a small canvas I had lying around using my "big" brushes and acrylic paints.

She loved mixing the paints and making colours.

My little artist at work
Painting with cut-out shapes
Popette's finished artwork
Its been so long since I picked up a paintbrush. Before "Cherub" was born, I was attending an art class at a local creative arts community centre. My project was an oil painting of a beach scene and some lemons, it's still unfinished as I haven't had time or the motivation to get back into it.

My unfinished artwork

Do you or your little ones like to paint?


  1. Beautiful painting!I look forward to seeing a few more of them.
    Hawaiian Paintings

  2. Oh wow! Talented! I adore your unfinished artwork! Except it looks finished to me!! Great idea with the canvas for kids - I'm going to give that a go too x

    1. Aww thanks Elisa, its not bad for my first attempt at oil painting. I would love to finish it but haven't had the time, so it may just have to stay the way it is. :)


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