
11 August 2012

Week 32: Grateful for learning

Today we had my Mum's 70th High Tea birthday party at our house. It was a lovely day spent with some of my family. My eldest brother and his family now live in Brisbane so couldn't make it in person, so we had a virtual get together over Skype, and wished Mum a Happy Birthday.

I had spent the majority of yesterday baking an orange cake.  As the cake hadn't risen very high, I decided to make a double-layer cake with whipped cream in the middle. And later decorated it with butter cream icing, some roses I made out of fondant, and silver balls (I know they have a proper name, but can't remember it!)

Ever since I made "Popette" a Peppa Pig cake for her 3rd birthday, I've been interested in learning more about fondant and making characters. In a few weeks time I'm attending a beginner's cake decorating class, which I'm really looking forward to.

I love that on the web, there are platforms such as YouTube and VideoJug, that allows people to load up a video of them showing off their skills and sharing tips. Over the past few weeks I have been busy teaching myself how to make roses out of fondant. I found some great tutorials on VideoJug (similar to YouTube) that shows you how to make simple roses out of fondant.

In six weeks time, we have "Cherub's" 1st birthday coming up, so I've been thinking of what type of birthday cake to make her. One of her favourite TV shows at the moment, is "The Hive", so thinking of making her a beehive with some of the characters from the show.

It's been quite some time since I have attended a class and learnt a new skill, so this week I am grateful for the opportunities in learning new skills, whether it's off the internet, from a friend, or from attending a new class.

I am also grateful to learn something that sparks my creativity, and brings pleasure to the people I make it for.

What are you for grateful for?

I am linking up with Bron over at Kidspot Village Voices.


  1. Silver balls = cachous honey, my English award winning cake baking mummy drummed that into us, normally in the "don't pinch the cachous!!"
    What a lovely way to spend time with your mum on her 70th, love Posie

  2. happy Birthday to your mum, that cakes looks beautiful!

  3. I am SO grateful for the internet and it's many, many tutorials. I must try fondant one day, but I'm put off because I really don't like the taste of it! It's all about the eating for me :)

    You have done a beautiful job with the cake for your mum, it's gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Kylie :)

      I agree fondant doesn't taste that nice, but it's great for making cakes for the girls :)

  4. Your cake looks gorgeous! I find it tricky enough making the cake, the decorating would just have me undone x


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