
17 August 2012

Week 33: Grateful for "52 weeks of grateful"

It's grateful time again, how quickly it comes around. I've had one of those weeks where I found it hard to think of what I am grateful for, which you can read about here. If you are not familiar with my grateful journey you can read up on it here.

When I started the "52 weeks of grateful" challenge in January (because it can be a bit of a challenge at times), I thought it would be quite easy writing about what I would be grateful for each week. I didn't think about how life might affect the posts I write, or fear that I wouldn't be able to write an entry one week...there are so many things to be grateful for right?

As part of my new years resolution I had already been thinking about starting a grateful blog (inspired by something I saw on Oprah, do you miss Oprah?) before I saw the announcement on Kidspot of the linkup. So I was very eager to get involved on this journey.

So this week I am grateful for the "52 weeks of grateful" journey.

I am grateful where each week I am reminded of what I am grateful for in life.

I am grateful for it challenging my lazy Mumma brain to think about something other than baby or toddler stuff, and make me write posts that (hopefully) has some meaning to each and every one of them.

I am grateful for the little community of bloggers I have come apart of through Kidspot Village Voices link up (thanks KS!), where I read and connect with some amazing bloggers. And for the readers who leave comments on my 'grateful' posts telling me what they liked about my post or leaving me a friendly message.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.


  1. Yes, I agree, it's a very good thing to be a part of... a part-time part in my case, and I must say that I think that the weeks when I do write and link are really good for me. Not just to think it but to express it.

  2. Hi, Nice to meet you over 52 weeks of grateful! I haven't participated in a long time and I am really glad I got the urge to this week.
    And yes I miss Oprah!

    1. Hi Lee, Nice to meet you too! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  3. I love this link up too - for the awesome blogs and bloggers I have discovered, and love reading about gratitude too. I hope next week is a better one for you xxxx

    1. Thanks Elisa, I'm keeping my fingers crossed all goes well for Dad on Wednesday.

      It's great reading others grateful posts, and reading their spin on what they are grateful for. x


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