
03 December 2012

Memories of Christmas

Can you believe Christmas is nearly here! It only felt like yesterday when I took "Popette" and a tiny "Cherub" down to meet Santa at the local shopping centre to have their photo taken with him last year.

Last year's Christmas photo with Santa
"Popette" is getting very excited about Christmas this year, as she is a little older, she remembers all the fun we had last year; buying and wrapping Christmas presents, sitting on Santa's knee and telling him what she'd like for Christmas, decorating the tree, and of course, Christmas day itself.

One of my fondest memories is of a present I received when I was about 11 years old from my parents.

Mum & Dad had bought me a trampoline for Christmas, of course I didn’t know at the time I was receiving it, it was to be a B.I.G. surprise. All I remember is Mum & Dad piling me and my brothers into the car a few days prior to Christmas, and travelling a long distance to pick it up.

When we arrived the trampoline was all boxed up, it was so big Dad had to tie it to the roof of the car (I don't even think we had roof racks back then, so it was literally tied to the roof!!). I remember asking Dad “What is it?”, and his reply was “It's Daddy’s ladder”.

Of course when we got home I asked if he was going to get his ladder out of the box, and he would reply “No, not yet, maybe later.” But by the time "later" came around, I had well and truly forgotten about "Daddy's ladder".

Then late Christmas Eve when I was in bed asleep my Dad and Pop opened the box and put together my trampoline.

On Christmas morning I found a card addressed to me under the tree. Inside it was a long piece of ribbon attached to the card. The ribbon led me on an adventure throughout the house until I was finally taken down the back steps to the trampoline sitting in the backyard!

I remember being so excited to have a trampoline of my own. It was the best present I had ever received as a kid. Over the years I spent many hours jumping on it.

Do you have a memory of the best gift you ever received or had given someone?


  1. What a lovely story about how you found your trampoline. I do remember the time my hubby wrapped up a washing machine(in box) and left it next to the xmas tree for a week!

    1. That's hilarious Alicia! I hope hubby wraps something that's more personal than a washing machine this year for you. :)

  2. Growing up, we were never really big on Christmas. The best Christmas presents I've received though have been from my husband. Lots of great clothes and DVD's. Very spoilt. Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh I remember getting a trampoline too! I have a memory of spending Xmas Eve.that year round at Nanas house, presumably so my dad's hardcore swearing as he assembled the beast didn't inflict itself on my innocent ears! Best present ever.

    1. Thanks Sarah, I agree it was the best present ever!!


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