
07 December 2012

Week 48: Free printables and resources

I have been a bit slow this year in organising an advent calendar for "Popette". Last year she really loved opening the little flap of the advent calendar to see what was behind it (it was chocolate of course), but this year I forgot what day I needed to start the advent calendar (my maths is really bad!), and didn't buy one in time.

So rather than indulge "Popette" with chocolate (and more energy which she really doesn't need!) I searched Pinterest and found a great "craft" advent calendar.

It's such a cute idea! All you do is stick cotton balls on Santa's beard each day/night, and by the time Christmas is here he has a complete beard!

I thought this was very clever, and something "Popette" would really enjoy, as she loves her craft. We are 7 days into December, and she still hasn't stuck one cotton ball on, I guess she's going to busy tonight!

So this week I am grateful for free printables and other free resources that can be found on the Internet. I am grateful for the abundance of free printables and little craft activities that can be found on Pinterest. The other day we made reindeer pictures using handprints!

I am also grateful for being able to find colouring-in pages of the latest cartoon character "Popette" is into, and print out some sheets for her to colour in. Today it was a Winnie the Pooh and Peppa Pig christmas pictures.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.


  1. That is such a cut idea! People are so clever!! x

    1. It's a great idea if you don't want to spend money on a chocolate advent spending money on good chocolate for ourselves that's a different story :)

  2. Super simple idea! Yep, I'm a big fan of internet resources too, has saved my sanity many times!

    1. Thanks Sam, it's very clever I know I wouldn't have thought of it. :)


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