
21 December 2012

Week 50: Grateful for no more suffering

Last week my Dad died to bladder cancer which in the last few months became aggressive resulting in his immune system becoming weak and him contracting pneumonia.

While I miss him hugely and wish he was still here with us, I am grateful that he is no longer suffering and can now rest in peace.

I am grateful to have some wonderful memories of us being together and growing up.

I am grateful that he passed away fairly quickly (and hoping painlessly).

I love you Dad, and miss you so much. You will be forever in my thoughts.

R.I.P xxx

My parents and I on my birthday last'll be sad without him this year

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Maxabella Loves over at Kidspot Village Voices.


  1. Have been thinking of you. Beautiful photo. Hold onto those beautiful memories xxxx

  2. It's such a relief when people we love are no longer suffering. And the memories are so very precious.


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