
24 January 2013

What I have learnt in 40 years so far (my top 5 lessons)

At the end of this month I will have spent a month being 40, amazingly, I haven't had a nervous breakdown, cried uncontrollably or got all emotional about turning the big 4-0 and become a recluse. I have remained relatively calm (unless of course you count the times I have been stressed out by "Popette" and "Cherub"), and on my special day enjoyed a lovely day out with my little family to the city. Where we had dined on seafood, played at the National Maritime Museum, then picked up some yummy cake from Adriano Zumbo which we shared with my Mum. I think the only emotional time during the day was when I was thinking about my Dad and wishing he could be here with us.

I guess I thought turning 40 would make me into one big emotional mess found sobbing in a corner, and thinking that life as we know it was about to end. It's not as bad as I originally thought. Yes, I am getting older but there is nothing I can do about it, except embrace it, and enjoy my life.

For too long I have worried what others have thought, worried about "should haves" or "what ifs", but no more. I've decided that life is too short to stay worried, and that I need to enjoy what I've got!

So today I thought I'd share with you my top 5 lessons I have learnt in my 40 years so far.

1. Stop putting things off tomorrow which should be done today!

On the weekend my Hubby had a health scare resulting in us spending 5 hours at the hospital where he was prodded, tested, x-rayed and had blood taken from him. It scared us both, and made us realise it's not just the two of us anymore, it's 4 of us, and that we need to start thinking about our little girls and make sure they will be okay if something ever happened to us.

So on Monday we wrote a list of things we "Must Do". For example, Writing a will - this is something we keep putting off as we don't know who to put down as guardians for our girls. We have siblings, but unsure who would look after our girls to the best of our wishes. We haven't appointed Godparents for our girls, so it's a job that will require some serious thinking.

It's all those type of things you put off as you really don't want to have to think about the inevitable. So we put it to the side, and think that we will get around to it some day.

This weekend I will be getting my cholesterol test done, which is something I haven't had done in years.

2. Noone is going to hand something over to you, unless you work hard for it.

Unless of course, you are Famous, Royalty or have zillions of dollars, but for us average working & non-working Joe's, we have to scrimp & save, or work two jobs, to be able to buy something we like, go on holidays, or buy/renovate a house etc.

At the end of the day, the only person who is going to look after yourself is YOU.

If you've got a wonderfully supportive Hubby/Wife/Partner, Family or Friend, that is great, but at the end of the day YOU are the one making your life's decisions.

3. The only way to improve yourself is to make the first steps yourself.

If you don't like your hair, make an appointment with a hairdresser or get a friend to colour your hair for you. If you don't like the way you dress, book an appointment with a stylist or borrow some fashion magazines or books from the library for ideas. If you want a new career or be better educated; Join a community class, Enrol in a course, Borrow books from the library, Join a social group or read the paper.

Its no good saying to yourself "I would like to learn this one day". Make a decision about what it is, and Start!

4. Meeting new people and making friends takes work.

I've never been great at making new friends. It's not that I'm a horrible person or anything, it's just that I'm a little shy and an introvert, and sometimes find it hard to drum up a conversation making it look like I'm not interested in getting to know people.

In saying this, the only way you will make friends is by coming out of your shell or your comfort zone, and by talking to people and getting to know them.

Try introducing yourself to new people. This could be Mums within a Mums group or at the school drop-off, people you see each week at one of your children's activities (ie. playgroup, dancing, soccer, music classes, etc).

5. If you are sick of being overweight, you won't lose it unless you get off the lounge, and do some form of exercise!

If you can't afford a gym or personal trainer; maybe try a dance, Zumba, Yoga or Pilates class; try walking the kids to school/daycare instead of driving them, take the dog or baby for a walk, splash around in the pool with the kids or run around with them outside in the fresh air.

These are all areas I could probably do with some improvement on, especially the last one, exercise. Since I've had the girls I've put weight on. So this year one of my 'resolutions' is to lose weight and get healthy. Hubby and I are on the CSIRO diet, so have made a start.

What are your top 5 lessons you've learnt so far this year?


  1. Awesome lessons Julie. I think reflecting on what we've learnt, and what we can relearn, is so important. xx

  2. My lessons: Enjoy the time I have with my little ones... they grow too quickly and will off to school before we know it. Learn to say no more often and not to do things just to please everyone else. Speak up for myself and my kids - no one else will do it for me! xoxo

    1. Great lessons Melissa! I too, must learn to say no more ;)

  3. missed this post - yay for 40 (i turn 41 this month) my top lessons are it takes 2 to tango (so for change to happen i need to make changes too!), listen more than you speak, slow down / focus / 1 thing at a time, have fun every day, enjoy this life rather than a potential future one or someone else's

    1. Great lessons Deb! I hear you about "slowing down". I need to focus on the "now" instead of worrying about the past & future, too much stuff buzzing around in the my head!

      Do you receive my FB updates, I never know if they are read by anyone. :)


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