
27 February 2013

Why do I blog?

I've been feeling a little deflated with the blog lately. Not a whole lot of bloggy love.

Where some bloggers attract hundreds or a thousand or more followers, I am lucky to have 30ish (not that I'm complaining, it's lovely to have my fellow readers/likers and followers joining me at Off to the Park). - My mother used to make cookies with me...but now she blogs and I pretty much raise myself.
Source: Some ecards

I have been blogging for approximately 2 1/2 years, and only setup my blog's FB page a year ago.

When I put so much of myself (and my heart) into a post and don't get any feedback or a comment on post (except for those pesky spammers who comment with embedded links to epoxy coatings!), it makes me wonder if it's worth all the effort. Apart from a couple of lovely bloggers who always seem to find the time to comment on my posts (thanks to those of you!!), I don't get many comments or feedback on here.

But then again I don't put a lot of energy into promoting my blog, or get involved with a lot of link ups, generally because I don't have a lot of time to invest in blogging.

The blog was originally, and still is for me.

It's been a great creative outlet for me, and somewhere where I can brain dump my thoughts, ideas as well as a place to share stories about my two girls.

I'm not a full-time blogger, so you won't find me publishing a post everyday. Sometimes I'm lucky to get one, (possibly two), posts published a week.

One of my New Year's resolutions for this year was to spend less time on the computer (incl. blogging) and more time with the kids, but there are days when I find I just need a little time to myself and need to escape my two girls for a little while, so I find myself booting up the computer.

I guess I need to have a rethink about whether blogging is the right thing for me to do be doing with my time, especially when I don't have much time to indulge in other passions like my art, which I rarely get time for.


  1. Hi there! first of all, I don't comment a lot on other blogs, and I'm trying to make an effort to change that!
    I blogged for about 3 years before deciding to take it to the next level (promoting the blog, having fab and twitter accounts ect)
    Ultimately I think you have to blog for yourself!

  2. I have felt the same before, and even gave up blogging for a few months. But I missed it SO much! I think that as long as you do enjoy the time you're spending on it, then keep going. I'm sorry I don't comment very often, I usually read on my phone and am too lazy to comment from there - I'm also sooooo sick of my comments getting eaten my spam checkers. It seems to happen to me a lot and I feel like I'm wasting my time commenting. I hope this one makes it to you.

    1. Hi Kylie, Yes it has thanks :) I know what you mean, it's so difficult trying to read a blog on my phone and then it asks me to sign in to leave a comment, which is a hassle as I have to remember my URL etc. At times I'll make sure I log onto the computer so I can comment on a post, but most times I forget! :)

  3. Oh Julie, I hear you! The balance thing is so tricky. I try to give so much to my girls, but need the down-time for me to unwind too. I think it's good to ask the question - why do I blog? For me it began (and still is) a need to write - a form of creativity/expression for me. I think I'll keep on going until it loses it's shine, then maybe I'll need to step away and hopefully later step back in. I think "blogging for you" is the best thing, and your girls will LOVE the record you have created here when they're older. Our family are going to create your handprint artwork soon - I love it! Elisa x

    1. Thanks Elisa, I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone, and there's someone else having issues with the balancing act too :)

      I have thought that the blog will be nice for the girls to read when they are little older. Although, I have to admit I haven't written much about them lately, I must get back to it. They are one of my favourite topics after all :)

      Its always a pleasure to read your posts, you write beautifully xx

  4. Hi Julie,

    I completely understand where you're coming from. I enjoy blogging but it takes so much time. I always feel guilty if I'm on the computer and the kids are at home. I just do what I can and know that I'll be able to look back in 10 years and be happy that I spent most time with my children!

    Don't worry, I don't always get comments either, but then I sometimes read others' posts and don't comment...

    Just do what you enjoy and try not to worry about how often you're doing it. If that makes sense..!


    1. Thanks Vic, it makes perfect sense. I agree, I need to stop worrying and just enjoy it while it lasts!

      If I was better organised I write a few blogs up in one day and then schedule them for publishing, but that hardly ever happens for me! I have to admit, I don't always leave a comment on a post, and don't read as many blogs as I used to. If only I had more time :)

  5. I think that you ultimately have to blog for yourself - for your own release, creativity and 'me time'. If you get some followers or comment love, then that's awesome, but you can't really force it. For me, I found that getting out and reading, enjoying and commenting on lots of other blogs was a great way of drawing readers back to mine. And link ups are great too - both for sharing your own work and discovering all the other amazing writers out there. Blog energy comes and goes too, though, so if you need a break, that's OK too. Glad I found you today anyway at FYBF :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by Lara :) Yeah, you are right, I should remember that I do blogging for myself, and if anyone else likes it or enjoys reading a post or two, is a bonus! :)

  6. Julie, if you enjoy it then keep doing it. If you're no longer feeling the love, then stop a while. The way I always look at it is this way: "blogging takes a lot of time, but writing does not".

    To be one of 'those' bloggers, you really have to invest a lot of time across social media platforms. I've always been hopeless at that. No time and, frankly, no interest. So, I just do my thing and hope that's enough to keep someone out there entertained.


    1. Thanks Bron :) I think what I need to decide is whether blogging is going to remain a hobby, or make it into something more. Time restrains me from doing a lot on my blog, so I guess I've answered my own question - it'll remain as something I enjoy, and if someone else enjoys it, that's great! x

  7. Hi Julie,

    I know the feeling and understand the guilt all too well. I have also realised that so much of the blogging is to do with networking and creating those connections- not always possible with growing families. It's hard work this blogging and as much as we love it, it is mentally taxing. Quite often, even when we are not blogging, we are thinking about our blog.

    As everyone else said, at the end of the day you do have to do what feels right for you in your heart. I am sure you will know xxxx

    1. Thanks for your comment Sabeen, I originally started this blog as a hobby, about was writing a lot about my eldest daughter "Popette", so I think I need to go back to where I started and get back to writing about my girls! :)

  8. I think every blogger finds themselves in this position at one time or another. A blog is a hungry beast and the energy to feed it waxes and wanes.

    Found you via Maxabella's call to arms!

    1. Hi Allison, Thanks for popping by! I spent a lot of time writing on my blog last year (a lot more than I ever had before) so didn't realise how much time it actually chews up! While it was a great challenge, and I enjoyed it, I missed out of spending valuable time with my girls. I think I need to go back to the basics with the blog, and write about topics I love & enjoy :)


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