
13 March 2013

Watch this space...

For a while now I've been thinking about what I want from my blog. I originally started blogging as a way to express my thoughts on motherhood and document the day-to-day happenings of my firstborn "Popette". Over this past year blogging became more than that, and took me away from what was important.

I want blogging to be something I enjoy and not become a chore (I have enough of those already!). I want it to remain as a way for me to be creative (especially when I don't get the time to do anything else) where I can see instant results in the creativity, unlike my unfinished artworks that are waiting for me to dedicate time to them.

I don't write blog posts to make money, or monetise my blog. It's always been just for me, and to be about my girls (and maybe the occasional craft post or recipe).

While I enjoyed writing for Kidspot’s ‘52 weeks of grateful’ challenge last year, it meant I hadn't written that much about my girls. It also chewed up a lot of time that I should have been spending with them. It made me miss important time with both of them, especially my bubba "Cherub", who is growing up at such a fast rate and entering into the world of toddlerhood and out of that sweet bubba stage.

Thinking about it now, I guess I used blogging as a way for me to escape "Mummyhood" for just a little while.

This year I made the decision not to participate in Kidspot's "Grateful" challenge.  Instead I am focussing my attention on blog posts about my girls (they are a subject close to my heart, and is what started me blogging in the first place), the occasional ‘grateful’ post (as I did find it therapeutic and it helped me "see" what I was grateful for in my life even if I didn't realise it at the time), craft activities “Popette” and I make together and the occasional topic that interests me.

I hope you will stay with me on this journey of rediscovery, and pop by to say Hi or leave me your comments (which are always much appreciated).

So for the time being, watch this space!


  1. This will make the most beautiful keepsake for your girls to look back on Julie. I know just what you mean x

  2. Your blog is your own personal space so whatever you decide to do with it will always make sense. Look forward to hearing more about your girls!

  3. What a meaningful post! I guess all of us like to escape from Mummyhood once in a while! Looking forward to sharing the journey with you and learning about your little princesses!!! X


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