
11 April 2013

Mister Maker comes to...Castle Hill

Do you like Mister Maker? We love him in our household.

On the weekend we were lucky to have a "meet & greet" with Mister Maker in his one and only appearance in Sydney. We really weren't sure if we'd get a ticket to see him, as the ABC shop only had a limited number of tickets to hand out, so we didn't say anything to "Popette" in case we didn't get a ticket.

But after a very long wait in several queues, numerous toilet breaks and multiple walk-bys to catch a glimpse of Mister Maker, it finally came our turn to meet him! And what a lovely person he is. He's so much like what you see on TV.

He thanked us for waiting for him, and shook mine & Hubby's hands. I felt a little starstruck, as did "Cherub" who starred up at him. But it was my big girl "Popette" who was over the moon to meet her craft "idol".

She gave him one of her splatter paintings which she made after watching one of his shows, which he thanked her for and said "Is that for me" then said he will take very good care of it. I can only imagine how much craft and paintings he receives from his fans, but he made "Popette" feel so special.

While he signed some autographs "Popette" and myself (she was a little shy) asked about the Shapes and the Maker Mobile. He was so sweet and replied that the Shapes were fast asleep, and that the Maker Mobile was home with Scrappz who was tidying it up for him.

After some photo's we said our goodbyes. We must have only spent 3 or 4 minutes with Mister Maker, but in that time he was polite, spoke to all of us (even "Cherub" who adores him) and took the time to answer our questions and make "Popette" feel special.

On our way home in the car an excitable "Popette" talked non-stop about him. This is some of the things she came out with (I had to share, it's too cute!)

“Mister Maker might come to my place and do some craft.”

“Good meeting Mister Maker”, “Been a while since I saw him”.  (As if she's known him for years!)

“I think it’s the first time he's been in Australia” said Mummy, "Oh, we will have to see him again”, said Popette. Popette then decided that we should go to Mister Makers house, so we can meet the Shapes, and see the Maker Mobile.

“I don't want Mister Maker to go”, said Popette. Daddy then told her that he had to go home to Scrappz, Tocky, and the doodle drawers. (Love it!)

While the 4 of us waited over 2 hours (including 40 minutes for a ticket) to finally meet Mister Maker, it was well worth it. Thank you Mister Maker for making my girls day!


  1. Wow my two girls are Mister maker mad -they would be so excited, how fantastic!I have to admit i think he is pretty cool too! X

    1. Hi Rebecca, We love him in our household, even Hubby! I have to admit I was a little starstruck meeting him!

  2. Oh! I was so cut I couldn't take my kids. How awesome that you got the chance and that it was worth all that waiting.

    1. Hi Becky, It's a shame you couldn't take your kids to see Mister Maker. He was lovely, and worth the long wait :)

  3. Mister Maker is a big hit here too! Miss three met Jimmy Giggle a couple weeks ago and was super excited too! x


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