
15 July 2013

Craft: Splatter painting

Back in April, Popette gave one of her splatter paintings she had made with her Daddy to Mister Maker. The painting was something Popette & my Hubby saw on an episode on MM, and thought they'd try out together.

Popette presenting Mister Maker with a painting she made
Mister Maker was so chuffed by the painting that he even showed it on his Facebook page with other pieces of artwork he received while overseas. (I was one very excited Mumma, of course Popette didn't understand what Facebook or the Internet was, so wasn't that excited!)

As this is quite a messy activity, Hubby took Popette and the art supplies outside to set up. They made a huge mess, but had lots of fun making the paintings.

All you need is:

An assortment of acrylic paints
Paper/plastic cups
Sponges (if large, cut into smallish squares)
Spatula, rubber hammer or large paintbrush (to hit the sponges)
Art paper

How to make it:

First, you need to water down some acrylic paint in a paper/plastic cup (disposable ones are great, as you can toss them out when you are finished). If you want more than one colour you will need to pour a little of each colour into separate cups. The paint should have a watery consistency.

Next add a small sponge to each cup of paint so it soaks up the paint. (We bought a pack of green & yellow household sponges from the hardware store, which Hubby cut into small square pieces.)

Then lay your paper on the grass, with your sponges positioned on top of the paper and give it a bash with your spatula!

The littlies will have a ball watching the sponges fly in the air, while creating a splattering effect on the paper.

Suitable age group: 2-5yrs
Estimated time: 15 mins
Messiness factor: high (get out your old clothes!)


  1. how awesome that she got to give it to him herself - my kids would be stoked even now at 8 and 10yo. i love your ratings at the end of the activity - great guidance!

    1. Thanks Deb, yeah it was pretty awesome, we were both a little starstruck! MM is fantastic!

  2. OMG! Mister Maker! Oh I wonder if he is coming to Adelaide?! He is one of our heroes!

    1. He's the girl's hero too! He visited Sydney back in April as part of a promo tour, it made Popette's day. :)

  3. Sound like so much fun, and something my 2 year old would love!
    Will have to do it on a warm day so I can hose her off afterwards :)

  4. Seriously, Mr. Maker!!!! He's responsible for many an artwork in this house, including one right next to my screen. Very cool :)

  5. Seriously, Mr. Maker!!!! He's responsible for many an artwork in this house, including one right next to my screen. Very cool :)

  6. I'd love to meet Mister Maker myself!!! x

    1. I was just a little starstruck when I met him, probably more than the girls! xx


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