
02 August 2013

Being grateful: For some peace & quiet

Lately the girls have been driving me crazy with their non-stop "Mum" or "Mumma, Mumma", screeching matches & constant chatter.

Popette just. doesn't. stop. talking! I'm sure it's like it for all 4.5 year olds, she asks so many questions, talks incessantly even when we ask her to be quiet...she can't seem to stop even to eat her dinner.

At the dinner table last night she was taking forever to finish her dinner, and said to me.

"It's taking a while to get my tummy full", I replied "Its because you are talking too much", which she cheekily responded with "I think I'm a chatterbox!" (no, really?)

Popette is at daycare on Thursday and Fridays, so I am grateful to have some peace & quiet! While Cherub can be a little noisy its nowhere near as much with them both at home. And thankfully she still has a nap during the day!

I am linking up with Octavia & Vicky for 52 weeks of grateful.


  1. Oh Julie, can't they drive you nuts sometimes? Bell's favourite Mr. Men book has always been little Miss Chatterbox, she obviously feels an affinity. :)

    1. They sure can Lisa. Popette is certainly a little chatterbox!

  2. Ahh yes I don't get much peace and quiet either!! Two little chatterboxes here, and their mum might just be the same :) Always grateful for the minutes I get to spend in silence xx

  3. Aren't daycare days the best for some peace and quiet? I relish those days! And the evenings. Blissfully peaceful!

    1. I get to enjoy a little peace & quiet, which allows me to think clearly and enjoy a hot cuppa x


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