
17 September 2013

Off to the park's 3rd blogoversary!!!

Yesterday I was doing some maintenance work as well as freshening up the blog's appearance (what do you think?), when I noticed my blog had celebrated it's third blogoversary without me! I knew it was creeping up, but can't believe I missed it!

One of my illustrations

I am quite pleased with how far I've come, not only with the blog, but with my writing.

When I started over 3 years ago, I didn't give much thought to who would be reading the blog, mostly I was doing it for myself as a hobby, and using it as a creative outlet to record my thoughts and journey as a parent.

But over time its also became a place where readers can come and find fun things to make out of craft (something we love to do here), record my dreams and feelings of gratitude.

I am grateful to the readers who have joined my little community, and to other followers who pop in from time to time and leave their comments.

If you are a first-time visitor to my blog or a follower that visits regularly, thank you for taking the time to visit Off to the Park. I hope you will come back and visit me soon :)

To celebrate my 3rd blogoversary, I thought I'd share some of my favourite posts with you here.

10 ways to be happy & find gratefulness in the (little) day-to-day things & printable

30 things I love about myself

A mother's pride

My "big girl"

A Mumma's letter to her girls


  1. Congratulations on three years of blogging. Time just flies doesn't it? This is the first time I have been here I think, but it does look like a lovely little blog. Off to have a sticky beak around.

    1. Thanks Rhianna, its nice to have you here! I hope you enjoy it :)

  2. Three years!?! I think I've known you from almost the start too, Julie. Well done on creating such a great place to be. x

  3. Awesome job! three years is a long time and such a short time as well xo


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