
25 October 2013

Being grateful: For having a home, changes in the weather and heroes

This past week has been full of stress, and fear of the unknown but with that given me a number of things to be grateful for.

One of the biggest fears for me was of the bushfire coming in our direction and destroying our house; its more than a house to me its our home & life of 12 years, its the girls 1st home, its a place where we've made some beautiful memories as a couple and as a family. While there are so many people who have lost their homes, I am grateful that we have one.

The view from our front veranda last Thursday

Wednesday was a horrific day with extreme weather conditions and predictions from the RFS that the fire would take a turn for the worse.

I am so grateful that the weather wasn't as bad as they predicted, and while the fire is still burning, it hasn't destroyed any further homes and is currently under control.

I am also grateful for the men and women of the NSW RFS and other emergency services, who dedicate their lives to protecting people and their homes.

I've read stories of firefighters that have fought a fire somewhere else while their own home was being destroyed by a fire, these people are the real heroes and I am so grateful for them.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Octavia and Vicky for 52 weeks of grateful and With Some Grace for FYBF.


  1. I'm so glad that your house didn't get damaged! How scary for you and. Your girls. People say its just a home and just stuff but it's a place of security where memories have been made. I hope these fires disappear soon.

  2. Oh, how terrifying for you! Do you know, I feel terrible but I was so trapped in my own grief that it was days before I even knew about the fires in NSW. It was quite the reality check for me to switch on the news and see what everyone was going through. I'm so glad that you're ok.


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