
08 October 2013

October is mental health month

The quest for chasing happiness has been high on my "to-do" list this year. But I found the more I thought about being happy, the more miserable I felt.

I'd be lying if I said I had a bad life, I don't. I am very lucky to have a wonderful husband who is loving and supportive, and two adorable little girls.

I love my girls, but there are times when I get so frustrated (no doubt like most parents) and can't seem to be the "bigger person" and walk away from the tantrums, outbursts etc, or often lash out at the trouble maker, then feel really terrible for doing so. 

Ever since my Dad died, I found myself struggling with being happy, feeling tired all the time, unmotivated, and snapped at the people I loved. I didn't have the energy to do things that often made me happy. I found that I just wasn't myself.
Some days I feel really emotional, especially if I've spent time with my Mum, as we often talk about Dad. Dad's death has hit us both hard. Unfortunately, my brothers don't live locally so are not around to give Mum or myself the support we need, which means we've been struggling with Dad's death by ourselves instead of as a family.

I've been lucky to have a couple of close friends, and my husband to talk to.

Last week I saw my GP for a check-up on my chlosterol, and chatted to her about how I was feeling. She also treats my Mum, so knows what we've been through with Dad. Not just Dad's death, but the constant care that Dad needed, and when we both found Dad after he had passed away.


Lately, I've been trying to find contentment in being grateful, spending quality time with my family, and finding a little time to myself. Some days it's hard to find time for myself or think about what I am grateful for. It is a work in progress.

Having a chat with someone about how I'm feeling or what I've been going through has been of help.

October is mental health month. If you know someone who is struggling, try to be mindful when talking with them. You don't know what their journey involves or what they may be going through. If they haven't been in touch for a while or have avoided catching up, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't want to see or speak to you maybe they just don't know what to say or having a rough time. I can say this as I have been through that exact feeling with my own friends, and unfortunately it has taken a toll with me losing some friendships on the way.

If you know someone who has had a rough time of late, why not be a friend and check in with them to see how they are doing and ask them "R U OK?".

{This is not a sponsored post, its just something I strongly believe in}


  1. Great post. I hope things pickup for you soon. You are right to find a small happiness in something everyday and hopefully one day it will stay with you.

  2. Beautiful heartfelt words Julie. I think you are so so strong. Such a powerful message in those last paragraphs - we really don't know what's going on for anyone else at any given time. xx

  3. Biggest hugs to you hon - here if you ever need someone to talk to who understands a bit xxxx

  4. A very brave message in my opinion. Self disclosure is never easy but in doing so a difference will be made in someone else's world. :)

  5. I have been where you are and can only send lots of virtual hugs. You are not alone out there and making a big noise on mental health issues are required. I kept quiet for ZIP IT during the week. All these causes are great to bring attention to making others more aware.

  6. Great post. Agree it's hard isn't it to find time to yourself.
    Thanks for reminding me to give my girlfriends a call! :-)
    Popping by via FYBF ;-)

  7. I Love your honesty and there is so much to be mindful about mental health. I hope you are able to work through your grief and what you want in life. It's a reminder to us all to do the same. :)

    1. Thanks Rebecca, I hope by me opening up and talking about my struggle helps someone else :)

  8. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog through #FYBF (you were the first one I clicked on after posting my own, kismet). I read the first, second and third paragraphs and thought, wow this is me. My Dad died five years ago and for the first six months I cried every night (I'm in my 40's for gawd's sake and never cry!). I'm pretty sure I must have gone through some depression though I'm loathe to admit it. The thought of going to a professional to talk about it scares me senseless, but I find alot of comfort through my bloggy world online. WIth the loss of my Mum two years ago I was much better prepared (maybe because she was ill for so long and Dad wasn't).
    But enough about me, hope you are getting to see the brighter side of life more each day. I find it in the moments. Hope you do too.

    1. Thanks Becci, It has been a tough year. I think I was in denial about feeling depressed at first, didn't even want to name it depression as I didn't think I had it. Now that I'm aware of how I feel I just need to need to remember to enjoy the moments. :)

  9. Good on you for being so honest in this post Julie. You and your mum have obviously been through so much and it's important to acknowledge that these feelings don't just 'go away' sometimes. Take care of yourself :)

  10. I strongly believe that we need to be more open about mental health issues. People don't seem to realise that it's more common than not. The more we talk about it the more we lift the stigma.

    1. Thanks Grace, it's taken me a long time to admit that I've had a problem and had been feeling depressed. I guess I didn't want to believe I had any type of depression. Its not something I openly talk about with my friends as its hard to start a conversation, so writing about it on my blog has kind of been therapeutic and helped :)

  11. Julie I must have meant to read this post today, because I have been REALLY struggling not to yell or be super cranky with my three when they are fighting, screaming, yelling. It's so hard, I'm not sure there is an answer, but just know that you are not alone, we all lose our shit, in fact we all act like someone who we never wanted to be like, but as long as it's not all the time, then we have to just give ourselves some slack. Parenting is hard! Found you via Grace's FYBF :) It's Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me :)

    1. Hi Emily, I am so glad you could relate to my post. I agree parenting is hard, there are moments when I wish I could jump on a plane and go far away, but that doesn't last long. Its all good.

      Thanks for dropping by :)


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