
08 November 2013

Being grateful: Making memories

Last weekend we took a long weekend away to Canberra, we had a great time. The girls loved the Dinosaur museum, and playing at Questacon. They loved running around our 2 bedroom apartment, and watching TV on our bed...a bit of a novelty.

One day Popette enjoyed a swim in the pool with Daddy, while I flicked through a house magazine while Cherub slept, which made me very happy.

I really enjoyed being away from home, but mostly seeing the girls have fun and enjoy themselves.

So this week I am grateful for making memories. Memories of not just holidays, but of fun and special times spent together, which my hubby & I can look back on and retell to the girls, and talk about how much fun we had during that moment.

What are you grateful for?

I am linking up with Octavia and Vicky for 52 weeks of grateful.


  1. Memories are so wonderful aren't they. What surprises me is how much my kids remember and talk about the special things we do.

    1. Hi Annaleis, I know what you mean, my 4.5yr old will remember something from over a year ago, which amazes me. :)

  2. sounds like a really lovely relaxed little holiday. Just the kind I like!

    1. Hi Emily, It was lovely! Just went way too quick as most holidays do :)

  3. My kids LOVE motels/hotels, because we never stay in them but have family that do! I'm grateful for having kids that are happy just to visit motel rooms and that be the highlight of their weekend!

    1. Hehe, that is very cute! We have been away a few times with the girls, its been hard when they were young, its so nice to be away from the routine and to have a change in scenery regardless of where we were staying. :)

  4. You are right about the memories. My kids are grown and I'm just about to become a grandma. Little holidays and breaks are such fun. I'm sure these memories will stay with you a long time.

    1. Thanks Kate, I hope you cherish those moments with your new grandchild :)


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