
13 October 2014

Craft: Bubble Wrap painting

Its been a while since I got my craft on and published a kids craft post, so today I'm linking up to an old post on Bubble Wrap painting. Hope you enjoy! 

Popette and Cherub love painting, so today I thought I'd introduce them to some pieces of bubble wrap cut into different shapes which we they could paint and press on to paper.

The girls love painting!
Popette loved it and came up with a picture of Ariel ("The little mermaid") in some bubbly water. I helped Cherub with some shapes and fish, but she was more interested in using her brush.

Cherub painting her picture

Popette's painting of Ariel
All you need is:

Bubble wrap
Marker pen
Paint brushes

Suitable age group: 3-5yrs
Estimated time: 10-15 mins (if Mum or Dad helps cut out the shapes)
Messiness factor: high (remember wipes to clean little hands!)

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