
09 January 2014

Oh crappy crap crap

Today I am supposed to be flying to Brisbane for a week's holiday with the family, but instead we are home. I have laryngitis and viral infection which my Hubby has also caught. So much for a healthy start to the new year! Arrgh!

The only word I can think of at the moment is crap.

Its been really crappy time for us.

I don't like to moan and groan, and feel sorry for myself, but today I'm going to!

We've had such a crappy Christmas. If it wasn't for the girl's excitement at opening presents, leaving a glass of milo and cookie out for Santa or the carrot for Rudolph, it would have been a very dull day.

I had a terrible bout of gastroenteritis the day before Christmas Eve, and Cherub was also sick with a vomiting bug, so our Christmas was a quiet day spent at home. Mum came up for a "light lunch". But there was no pavlova, or even a mince tart for dessert. :(

Then Popette got the horrid vomiting bug the day after we had our belated Christmas lunch with the in-laws.

Thankfully I felt better by my birthday (NYE) and we had a really nice BBQ lunch at home (again with Mum), which actually felt more like a Christmas lunch. After the shocker week of us 3 girls being sick, it was nice just to be home. I even felt well enough to have a few glasses of bubbly with Hubby to celebrating our birthday's and NYE.
One of the happier moments - with my girls on my birthday
For Hubby's 40th birthday (the day after mine) we celebrated with a day at the beach, and takeaway seafood from Doyle's at Watson's bay. It was such a lovely day.

Then it all turned to crap AGAIN.

The next afternoon I started getting a soar throat, so off to the doctors I went on the Friday. The doctor told me I had a throat infection, then over the next couple of days I started to lose my voice, by the time Popette's birthday party came round I could hardly talk. Went back to same doctor who told me there was nothing he could do for me. Then over next couple days I felt worse started coughing and had low grade temps. Was worried I wouldn't be better by the time we had to travel to Brisbane, so Hubby & I went to a different doctor as he was having dizzy spells!

Having fun building sandcastles
This doctor told me I had caught another viral infection, as well as the laryngitis, and that hubby was coming down with it too! Oh crap!  There goes our holiday to Queensland!

I'm hoping we get better soon, and that the girls don't catch it from us. We are taking all the precautions: giving them Vitamin C tablets, cold & flu gummies, Vick's on their back and the vapouriser on for the slightest snuffle...keeping our fingers & toes crossed they don't get sick, cause I've had enough of this crap!


  1. Eek! Sounds horrid. :-( I hope you all feel better soon! Nothing worse than getting caught in a bug cycle.

  2. Oh no! That's terrible! What an awful start to the year! Fingers crossed you guys have used up all your sickness for 2014 and things will look up from here on! xxx Lucy from Bake Play Smile

  3. its hard to be sick with kids let alone at this time of year. I really hope you feel better soon and get a chance to have that well earnt holiday.

  4. Oh Julie, I'm so sorry you had such a dodgy Christmas/NY! I hope you're both on the mend, and the little possums don't catch it xx

    1. Thanks Lisa, unfortunately Hubby & the girls are all sick with the dreaded virus. It seems to be never ending xo

  5. Oh no! I hope the rest of your year will be healthy!

  6. Wow, you guys have been through the ringer! Is there any chance you can reschedule your holiday? Do you have family nearby to look after the girls so you can actually rest and get better? Thinking of you :-(

    1. Thanks Kate. We are hoping to reschedule to next month, but only for a long weekend as Popette will have started school. My mum is nearby, and can look after Popette for an hour or so, but that's about it. I'm hoping we will be over it soon :)

  7. Bummer about the timing...hope you all feel better asap. Have you tried the Cut Onion next to the bed trick while sleeping at night time? Works well...but make sure you get rid of it first thing in the morning without touching it, it has taken on the rooms germs :)
    Hope you can have a holiday another time?

    1. Hi Lisa, No I haven't tried the cut onion, funny you should mention it I just read about it on Facebook the other day. Might have to give it a go. We are hoping to reschedule our holiday to next month for a long weekend. :)


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