
17 June 2014

Kids craft: Dinosaur masks

Our sweet little Cherub is obsessed with dinosaurs. She affectionately calls them "roar" which is just so cute, and loves playing with her assortment of plastic dinosaurs on the floor, in the sandpit....anywhere really.

She is always drawing pictures of dinosaur eggs (I have to draw the dinosaurs), looking at dinosaur books or hiring DVDs from the library.

One of her favourite things to do is visit the dinosaurs at the Australian Museum.

Cherub & Popette at the Australian Museum

One day I thought I'd make Cherub a dinosaur mask for herself and Popette to play with. Now there's not a great deal of skill involved with this little project. Its very easy.

If you can't draw a dinosaur face by hand, you could download a picture of one from the 'net, enlarge it, then print it out.

I sketched a couple of different dinosaur faces, Popette's a T-Rex, and Cherub's a Triceratops, then got the girls to colour them. Cherub chose to paint hers.

Cherub painting her mask

A very scary Popette-a-saurus

All you need is:
  • a piece of cardboard or thick paper
  • watercolour paints (or textas, crayons, coloured pencils)
  • paint brush
  • water
  • string
  • scissors
Suitable age group: 2.5 - 5yrs
Estimated time: 10-15 mins (if Mum or Dad helps cut out the masks)
Messiness factor: medium (remember to use watercolour paints, which is easy to wash off little hands)


  1. My youngest is dinosaur and dragon mad so she will love this!!
    In fact she wants to be a dragon when she grows up haha

  2. Oh that mask is pretty scary. But very cute ;)


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