
30 March 2015

Some Easter crafts to make some bunny happy!

Today I am linking up to three Easter craft projects Popette and I have made over the years, I was hoping to get some new Easter projects up on the blog, but we've been busy making Popette's Easter hat over the weekend for her parade this week. 

Are you making an Easter hat? 

What sort of Easter craft activities have you been making? I'd love to hear!

Creating Easter Eggs with food colouring - If you want to make your dining table festive for Easter day why not create some coloured eggs using food colouring. It also provides a fun activity for the kids!

Easter themed potato printsI remember when I was little my Mum would cut up a couple potatoes into "stamps", then set me up with some butcher's paper and paint so I could print potato shapes - it was one of my favourite craft activities growing up.  A couple years ago I did this for Popette with the potatoes etched with some e-g-g-cellent designs! 

Little Easter goodie bag projectFour years ago we held a little Easter egg hunt for Popette and her cousins. I thought to make it more fun they could make their own little brown paper Easter bag to collect all the chocolatey goodness! 


  1. Great ideas Julie! Thanks. Perfect timing as school holidays have just begun for us xx

    1. Thanks Elisa, I hope you have a great Easter and get some time to relax over the holidays xx


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