
16 July 2015

Being grateful: for time spent together

Does anyone ever feel a little sad when the school holidays are over or is it just me? Its not to say I wasn't a little eager to get Cherub off to preschool on Monday, then Popette back to school on Tuesday. Its when they are both having fun at "school" I miss them not being at home.

As I had a terrible flu the holidays started a little slow for us. I'm grateful Hubby took a couple days off work to take care of the kids, while I rested in bed. 

Overall our holidays were relaxing, with most of the time spent at home. It was a combination of some slow days where I pottered around the house. The girls played together, and did lots of colouring in and drawing. They painted, made some bird craft which Popette then made in to a puppet show. She has such an imagination! 

The girls played in the sandpit and rode their bikes. I even got time to do some of my own art while sitting at the dining table (aka our art space) with the girls while they coloured or drew pictures. 

We also had a few busy days. There was outings with friends, a special trip to see Disney on Ice with Daddy, and a long weekend spent near the Hunter region of NSW, where we caught up with Hubby's Mum for her 60th birthday. Although it was chilly, we enjoyed dining out on her birthday, then a lovely day trip to the Hunter Valley the next day. Hubby and I also managed to go out for dinner without kids (Score!)

Oh I wish I owned a vineyard!

It had been so long since we had visited the Hunter Valley. I think I was pregnant with Popette the last time we had been there, so it was nice to drive around and look at the scenery. Its a shame its become some commercialized, everything seemed so expensive. One winery we visited even charged for their wine tastings! Luckily the wine was nice, so that made up for it.

I am grateful that we spent this time together, although Hubby worked through most of the holidays, it was wonderful when he did get to take a day or afternoon off so we could all spend time together.

What did you do over the holidays? Did you do go away or stay home?


  1. School holidays is a great time for everyone to wind down and appreciate each other's company. Your trip to the Hunter sounded like lots of fun.

    1. Thanks Grace, yeah it was nice to relax and spend some quality time together :)


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