
10 November 2015

Feeling grateful

Its been a while since I have written a gratitude post, so I thought it was timely with so much that's happened over the past week or so. I know I can focus too much on the negative at times, so I find redirecting my thoughts back to what I am feeling grateful for reminds me that not everything that happens to us has been bad, and that there has been some good stuff.

So without any further ado, here are my reasons for feeling grateful:

* Last week we received Cherub's MRI results, which have come back all clear. The Dr thinks she's just a little slow in the development stakes, and said nothing nasty was found. Hooray!

* Recently I got to spend a lovely long weekend away with a good friend of mine to the beautiful Snowy Mountains region. The weekend was originally intended for me to attend an interment service for my late Uncle and Aunt, but turned into a girls weekend away. It was so nice to relax (although I was feeling a little anxious being away from my girls for the first time!) and not have to worry about anybody else except myself.

L to R: Boloco countryside, Celebrating 19 years together, Our wedding day, view from our hotel at Jindabyne

* My Mum offered to look after the girls last night, so my Husband and I could go out for dinner in celebration of our wedding anniversary.

* Celebrating 19 years of marriage - even though it doesn't feel like it! I am grateful that we have a good, loving relationship and are there for each other through the good and the bad, we can talk about anything and everything, and have lasted this long.

* For my husband - he is such a sweet, caring, generous, thoughtful person and I am so grateful to have him as my husband and to share our life together.

* A few weeks ago a huge branch fell on the roof of our car, and smashed the back windscreen, left lots of dents and scratches, and a broken tail light. We are currently having discussions with the smash repairer on whether the car can be saved (from the sounds of it, it may be written off!), while it upsets us that we may have to buy a new car, I am so grateful that Cherub and I weren't hurt, or in the car when it happened.

* Getting together with friends - while everyone has busy lives, its so nice to spend time catching up with good friends and enjoy those type of conversations you wouldn't have over social media over food and wine.

What's been happening at your place?
What are you feeling grateful for?

I am joining Essentially Jess for IBOT.


  1. Gosh, there's so much happening in your world. How scary with the tree branch falling on your car. Thank goodness you're okay. Congrats on your anniversary. #teamIBOT

  2. How lovely you could get away for the weekend, and I'm so glad you weren't in the car! Hope it can be fixed quickly for you.


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