
19 July 2016

Fitting in

The pic below is how I felt before dropping the girls off to school this morning. I was craving some time to myself after having the kids at home over the holidays, and was intending to bake something or spend some time doing some art.

But less than an hour after Popette was dropped-off at school, I received a phone call from the School Office saying Popette was in the sick bay and not feeling the best, and that I better come and collect her! Arrgh!! She had only been there for 50 minutes, and wasn't feeling well.

After chatting to her in the office about whether she actually felt sick, I decided to bring her home. Of course she's happily eating lunch and drawing now! I think it was a case of first day back anxiety making her tummy feel sick.

Hubby and I don't know what's going on with our sweet girl. She's been miserable at school, and wasn't happy about returning.

She had a couple playdates with friends over the holidays, which cheered her up, but afterwards she complained that she 'was a loser!' and didn't have many friends. I would love to know where she's picked that up.

Hubby and I found out through one of her friends that she had been picked on by another one of her so called friends for crying in the playground. She hadn't told us what had happened, so it was news to us. We knew she'd been having problems fitting in and finding someone to play with at lunchtime. But were hoping that her classmate that she was playing with, which she referred to as her 'BFF' had changed all that.

She's such a sweet, sensitive sometimes shy little girl, it makes us so sad seeing her unhappy.

Do your kids have anxiety or experience problems fitting in at school? 


  1. Oh my goodness, the poor darling. How upsetting for everyone involved. Can you talk to the teachers to find out a little more about what's going on? Maybe arrange a play date with one of the kids she does get along with to try strengthen that bond so she will feel more at home at school. I wish you all the best of luck. #teamIBOT

    1. Thanks Renee :) Its been a tough year for her. She had a couple playdates over the holidays, but we need to organise more throughout the term. I spoke to one of her teachers today who is being very supportive, and understanding about Popette's anxiety problems. She is organising a talk with all the Year 2 girls about what being a good friend is like, and will try and get Popette amongst some of the girls who have similar personalities to herself. Hopefully she'll find some girls who are nicer to play with :)

  2. Oh that's hard isn't it. :(
    I hear you on needing a break after the school holidays, and would have felt very much the same as you did in that situation. I hope she feels more comfortable soon. It's hard for all of you when she feels unhappy.


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