
02 January 2017

New Year, New Word

Hi! Happy New Year! We have had a nice relaxing break thus far. Hubby and I celebrated our birthdays in style, watching Sydney's NYE fireworks from Hubby's work with the girls and my brother & his family, the fireworks were amazing!

I thought I'd write a quick post on my new guiding word for 2017 and recap how I went with last year's word. 

For the past few years I have chosen a word to guide me throughout the year. Last year I chose CREATE

I chose CREATE as I wanted a word that allowed me to have a little fun in creating; ie. more art, memories/experiences, joy, love & laughter, friendships, moments of gratitude, opportunities & possibilities, fitness routine, balance, and a new chapter.

As a creative person, I think it captured my art quite well, but I found that I had jotted down a bit too much to cover off with this little word, resulting in me not ticking all the little boxes I had setup for myself in the beginning of the year. So I didn't focus on areas like balance, fitness routines, gratitude, a new chapter as much as I would have liked.

After a tough 2016, I am choosing this year to look after myself, so have been thinking of an appropriate word. The word NOURISH came to me!

I have both girls at school this year, Cherub will be starting Kindy (sob sob), and Popette will be going into Primary. Once Cherub is settled into Kindy, I need to start looking (seriously) for work. While I have been on a "career break" I have been using my free time to write here, as well as create art and upskill myself. Ideally writing or selling my art is an area I'd like to pursue, but I have been hesitant as I'm not qualified, or a professional artist/writer.

I also need to get my health and fitness back on track, take control of my emotions and mindset better so toxic people don't bother me quite so much, take the time in being grateful, take up meditation or yoga to help me relax, and find a balance with housework vs time for myself.

I know it sounds like a lot, but I am hoping that I can find something that works, and makes me a calmer, happier Mumma to my girls.

Have you chosen a guiding word for 2017? Or have you selected a New Year's resolution? What are your hopes for 2017?

May 2017 be an amazing year for you and bring you much joy, happiness and nourishment!


  1. Love nourish. I think the stage you're at is so exciting Julie. Bitersweet too. But exciting for you all. Hope you had a lovely birthday. I've chosen breathe as my word xx

    1. Breathe is a great word Elisa, its a nice follow on from your last word! Thanks, I had a lovely birthday. It's going to be a busy year that's for sure, it'll be nice if its exciting too :) xx

  2. I LOVE the word nourish and I often use it when I talk about things that nourish me / my soul (and yes I know that sounds wanky). But things like baths, reading, watching TV and hanging with like-minded people are things that nourish me - they energise me and offer me calmness at the same time!

    1. Thanks Deborah, I really need to take back the bath from my kids, I used to enjoy taking long soaks in the bath before kids, so I will have to make it happen this year :)

  3. Nourish is a great word and perfect for your time of life and what you want 2017 to be all about. I chose "Enough" for my word of the year - I've been on a journey to work out what is important, what I need, who I am etc and I'm finding that I am enough and I have enough and I am happy with that so 2017 will be about celebrating 'enough-ness' for me x

    1. Thanks Leanne, I nearly chose "Enough" because I had that feeling (from other people's perceptions of me) that I wasn't enough the way I was, but then I thought Nourish was going to be a better fit for me, and it would remind me to take better care of myself. I hope your year is full of enough enough-ness :)

  4. I hope your year proves to be wonderful. It is full of changes but so many possibilities too. Thank you for linking up #lifethisweek 2/52 Denyse

    1. Thanks Denyse, you are true to your word and are very Kind x :)

  5. I love the word nourish.... it even sounds and feels comforting and soul-filling just coming out of your mouth. It's one of my favourite words in relation to self care. My word this year is 'simplify'!

    1. Thanks Linda, "Simplify" is a great word, it's something I know I need to remember with my household and clutter! I hope your year goes well for you :)

  6. Happy New Year, Julie!

    May 2017 be the year for us all to apply our chosen words wherever possible.

    SSG xxx

    1. Thanks SSG! All the best with the word you have chosen :)

  7. I have a friend who wasn't a "qualified" artist and it took her a long time to get over that obstacle. But now she's selling her stuff and entering competitions and really enjoying it. I think that sometimes you've got to jump in and try not to worry about qualifications.

    1. Thank you An Aussie in San Francisco, I know my mindset really needs to change when it comes to me and my art being good enough. I have been thinking about selling my work for a while, and need to jump in to the deep end and see what happens :)

  8. I love your word from last year 'create' and in a way being creative is nourishing isn't it!! All the best for the New Year for you :) My word this year is 'grow' x

  9. Thanks Michelle, yeah I agree creative is very nourishing :) Love the word Grow too, I hope you have a great year :)


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