
07 February 2017

A letter to Cherub - you are now in Kindy

Dear Cherub,

Well it's official, you are now a Kindy kid! Last Thursday you had your very first day at Kindergarten and was really excited. As Daddy and I took you into the big classroom, you were so eager to sit and play. After the teacher introduced you to another little girl at the playdough table, you looked up at us and said "Bye" without any tears, which was our queue to leave. I was so happy for you but at the same time hiding my tears, as it meant my time as a stay-at-home Mum and having you at home with me is now over. 

Watch out Kindy, here comes Cherub!
It's strange, but I am having a hard time being at home without you. I miss you like crazy. While I was used to having 2 days to myself while you were at preschool, I now have 3 more days of solitude (I know, I should be celebrating, usually I can't wait for some 'me time'), but I miss your fun, cheeky little self and taking you to places like playgroup, kindygym, even grocery shopping.

I think of how lucky your teacher is going to be having your sweet, happy, little face in her class. Chatting happily away (maybe a little too much!), so eager to learn how to read and write.

Yesterday we found out that you have been placed in a composite class with Year ones. I am a little disappointed as it's not ideally what we wanted for you, it's not to say that you won't thrive in the class though. You are positive, and don't seem too bothered by the older kids in your class. 

I'm worried that you won't get to experience the whole of Kindergarten and it's fun, like your big sister did, and wonder if you still get to hang out with other Kindy friends. But I know that your caring, sweet nature will make you many new friends regardless of what year they are in.

As you begin this new chapter of your life I hope you love going to school, that you make plenty of friends, and grow into a happy, confident student.

A selfie with my Kindy girl!
Just remember that Mummy loves you so much, and I am very very proud of you (and your big sis) and will miss you both heaps. 

Lots of love, 
Mumma xxx


  1. Awww I wondered how it all went. Your darling is obviously a lovely mature K student for that placement in a composite class but I also understand your disappointment. It does depend on how the school organises matters but often times the Kinders will just be with the bigger group of Kinders. It's inevitable at time for classes to be organised this way because 'numbers' are the drivers of class organisation. Sometimes too, as the term moves on, if one grade grows bigger there can be a further adjustment and changes made. It happens. I was a public school DP and Principal and we did this with as much focus on the children as we could. I hope you are going well this week. it is a transition for you too! Denyse #teamIBOT

    1. Hi Denyse, Yes its definitely to do with numbers the composite class. We had a big intake this year (69 Kindys) which is why they made the composite class. Cherub's teacher has assured me that they'll still get to do all the fun Kindy stuff and interract with the other classes. Poor Cherub is off school today with what we think impetigo which is going round the school :(

  2. Such a special time. It is hard to see them go and grow but the primary school years are awesome.

    1. It feels as if she grew up so fast! I think she'll love school :)

  3. so grown up - i am sure she will have a great year. we only had composite once when my youngest was in grade 2 and was in a 1/2. Like you i was not keen as they had less of their peers etc but she had a good year and i figure it happens to most people at least once so better when they are little. enjoy your transition year!

    1. Thanks Deb, she seems to be happy in class so I guess that's the main thing. :)


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