
08 August 2017

Parenting is hard

Parenting has moments when its just hard, not hardwork when you have to get the washing machine on, make lunches for the kids, get the youngest down for a nap, clean up the breakfast dishes then finally have a shower! Well, it is hardwork but its not what I am talking about.

Its sort of like when you have a newborn, and you go through those sleep deprived days and nights, late night feeds, or getting up to your little one who has been crying for hours with undiagnosed reflux - yep that certainly is hard.

Its when you see those sweet faces who still have a tiny resemblance of the tiny baby they were getting older. {They are growing up so fast!}

Popette and Cherub on the weekend

Its when you hear them tell you something (you possibly already knew) for the first time and hear the excitement in their voice. {They are learning so much!}

Its when you watch them, with confidence, try something new and smash it. {They are needing me less!}

Cherub learning the keyboard

Its when you hear them talk about an Adult issue or join a conversation and come up with a great solution. {They blow you away with how smart and clever they've become}

Its when you grab their hand or cuddle them close that you realise their not your little babies anymore. {They are nearly as tall as me!!}

Having a play at a park over the holidays

Its when you say to them "See you later. Have a good day. I love you!" as they head off to class all ready to learn more. {They are becoming independent, smart, clever girls}

Its that feeling of not having them with you. Its having a quiet house to return to, which years before you craved. Its having peace and quiet you had wished for repeatedly so you can enjoy a book, shower or coffee without being interrupted, suddenly feels too quiet, and you miss the happy cheerful voices.

Its hard to see them turn another year older when all you want is to stop time and keep them as sweet, innocent, little girls.

Its hard to watch them be excited about growing up when you yourself are growing old, and all you want to do is savour each day you have together.

Parenting is hard.


  1. You are so right, it is hard and they grow so quickly. My eldest left home for London this year and I am still to come to terms with her being a grown up! Such special times while they are still at home. x

    1. Oh Nicole, it must have been so hard seeing your eldest move all the way to London. I hope she Skypes you regularly. I can't imagine my girls being grown ups, but I know it's not too far away! x

  2. It sure is and in so many ways. Lovely post. #teamIBOT

  3. It sure is ... mine are both taller than me now, and one has moved out, so I know them feels xxx

    1. Oh Janet that must be hard...not the taller bit (hehehe) - my eldest is 8.5 and she's nearly taller than me...I wish she would stop growing! x

  4. This is exactly how I used to feel, Julie. Exactly. Mostly during the kids' teen years when I was oh so aware of how quickly they were growing and changing, and how my role as a mother was changing so dramatically.
    Now that two are adults and one will be (in less than a year!), I don't feel that same heavy sense of grieving over those losses quite so much. Now it feels right that they should be moving into their own lives and I'm looking forward to seeing how they move forward beyond the here and now. It's what they're supposed to do! This season is more about anticipating the fullness of who they are. I really can't wait! It's so exciting to see all our hard work (and theirs!) come to full fruition.

    1. It sounds like a lovely time for you Tracy. I am sure that one day my pain of seeing my two girls grow so quickly will ease...its hardest when I see little babies around, as it just reminds me of when my girls were small and I wish they were still that age! That's not to say we are not enjoying them now, as cheeky little girls :)


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