
19 March 2018

What motivated me to start my own business

For as long as I can remember I have dreamt of starting a business from home. It was one of those things that I thought would be ideal for when I had children at school. I could have flexibility, be there for the Easter hat and Book parades, be able to walk my kids to school then collect them in the afternoon and hear all about their day, be able to help out in the classroom, and fit my work in between. 

For most people starting a business is about making money, being their own boss and building a successful business. 

While those factors are important to me, it wasn't my sole reason.

For me, it's showing my girls that they can be whatever they dream to be as long as they work hard and not give up. At 6 months my business is still in its early stages, and while I have a vision to where I want it to take me, I know that could all change in a blink of an eye. And while there are days when its hard, and I think of giving up, all I need to remember is why I am doing what I am doing.

Cherub drew me a picture of jam jars :)

Cherub (my 6 year old) drew this picture of jam jars for me. This is why I started my business.
Its seeing my two girls watching me work on my business, or marketing ideas, that gets them so excited they go and draw a picture that relates to my business name or they discover a joke about jam and ask me to put it on my Facebook page.

Its hearing my 9 year old ask excitedly "Are you doing stuff for your business Mum?", or "Are those for your business?" and be interested in what I am working on or something I had printed.

It's the look of awe and the sparkle in her eyes. that big grin she gives me that makes it worth all the stress, and hardwork a startup requires.

She looks at me with not only love, but with hope, pride, a little idolizing and a "If Mummy can do it, so can I" attitude.

Popette loves to write, so her dream is to become an author, but at only 9 that may change....she's already changed it from Mummy, Kindy Teacher, Ice Cream shop owner, Magician, Diver, Painter, Professional Piano player, Ballerina, Pastry chef, and Spy! (Gee, she's going to be busy!)

Its showing my girls that while Mummy is good at all the Mummy stuff (some days not quite as much, is it bedtime yet?), she can "go to work" like Daddy, and be good at other things while still being there for them.

Have you started your own business? What was your reason?


  1. I love how your daughter is so engaged with what you do for your business. I agree, to be able to instill the attitude in your daughter of being able to work and be a mum simultaneously is amazing and makes it all worthwhile.

    SSG xxx

  2. I love the excitement your girls have for your business - that's wonderful. Very powerful motivation to get started and keep going x

  3. What a great way to lead by example. I wish you well in your 'jammy' adventures and to know your family is right behind you makes it even more rewarding! Thank you for linking up for #ltw 12/52. Next week's optional prompt (& marking 1/4 of way through 2018!) is "origin of my name'. Denyse x


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