
23 July 2018

Share your snaps - June

It's been a busy couple weeks for me with the girls being home for school holidays, so I apologise that not much has been happening on the blog. I have been juggling time with the girls and working on my business, while Hubby's had to work. Apart from taking the odd day off so he could care for me after I had a tooth removed 😷, we have been waiting for the weekends to spend time together. We went on a lovely drive out to the Megalong Valley back in June, so I thought I'd share some of those snaps with you in #shareyoursnaps.

Can you believe we are nearly through July!! crazy!

Bridal Falls, Govett's Leap, Blackheath
Olive farm in the Megalong

Megalong Creek Estate Vineyard

Rolling hills

More views of the Megalong

Such beautiful countryside


  1. Wow. Stunning photos. Those mts are just gorgeous. What a backdrop.

  2. Yay for sharing these pics. I have never been down into the Megalong Valley, just viewed it from above. Great scenes. It is looking dry though. So much of NSW and other areas need rain.

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is "If I Could" Denyse x

  3. Hi Julie, I thought I left a comment here on Tuesday. I really enjoyed seeing your snaps of the Megalong Valley. I have never been down into it. Lots of places to explore in almost your backyard! Thank you so much for linking up for Life This Week. Next week's optional prompt is "If I Could". Denyse x


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