
06 November 2018

A letter to Cherub - now you are 7

To my little Cherub,

Little, you are not so much, as you are growing up to be a tall girl. I can't believe you are 7! Ever since you started school, time seems to have flown by. The days of us sitting on the back deck painting or joining friends at playgroup are slowly becoming a distant memory in place of home readers, book parades, playdates and homework.

You are still a chatterbox. Your constant chitter chatter drives us & Popette crazy at times. You are our "Boo Boo", and the baby of the family. Out of all of us, you are the one who always wakes up happy and ready to give out cuddles.

Your sweet nature has earned you many friends at school with numerous party invitations throughout the year much to your sister's jealousness.

Popette at the river earlier this year

You and Popette both love playing games together involving your ponies, unicorns, princesses and BFFs animals. The imaginary worlds you both create bring you countless hours of joy. If only you had as much enthusiasm in cleaning up after yourself and putting your toys away as you do with coming up with ideas of different games to play.

You are thoughtful and will offer one of your own lollies or chocolates to us if we don't have any.

You wear your heart on your sleeve and believe in the goodness of people even though sometimes that means you get hurt.

You had a lovely birthday! First enjoying opening your presents on our bed at 6.30am! So much for sleeping in! After a breakfast of mushrooms on toast (your request), we played a game of tenpin bowling (Daddy won!) and games at playtime. Then had some morning tea at Krispy Kreme.

You can't go to tenpin bowling without strutting out some dance moves

Deciding against a ride on your bike we had a backyard picnic then you and Popette coloured-in and played with your new BFFs and Shopkins toys together.

Popette's 7th birthday (back in September)
It was a lovely day which ended with your favourite meal and chocolate mud birthday cake with Nanna.

Lots of love,
Mumma xxxx


  1. Beautiful, Julie, sounds like she had a wonderful day xx

  2. What a beautiful letter to your daughter! Mine just turned 7 as well and you are so right about time zooming by as soon as they start school. How is Year 1 almost over already?!

    1. Thanks Jen, I know it's sometimes its hard watching them grow up so fast. I can't believe she'll be in Year 2 next year.

  3. So very special to read this Julie. You have a lovely family and the photos and words make awesome memories.

    Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek. Optional prompt next week is "I Remember".


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