
15 July 2011

28 weeks + 3 days

Yesterday I kind of celebrated an 'anniversary' of sorts. It was exactly that time (28 weeks + 3 days) when I was pregnant with "Popette" that I was admitted into hospital with high blood pressure and the beginnings of pre-eclampsia, then a week later "Popette" was born.

Hopefully we'll get past that 'anniversary' as well. It was such a scarey time for hubby & I. I really hope I don't go through it again.

After seeing my OB/GYN yesterday, I started to worry. She mentioned that it was a possibility that I will have pre-eclampsia again but not as severe as last time. She also mentioned that it might be later on in my pregnancy. I was hopeful and said 38 weeks, but she seems to think it could be earlier, maybe around the 34 week mark, which is only 6 weeks away!! Which means we'd have another premmie baby, but not born as early as "Popette" was.

My OB/GYN was happy with the results from my latest scan and mentioned that "Bump" is now 1.245kg (so bigger than what her Big Sis was at this stage) and is in the 50th percentile for her weight. She was also happy with my blood pressure and the amount of fluid around the baby, so we're keeping our fingers crossed it stays that way, and that the medication I'm on continues to work.

I still haven't gotten much ready for the baby, I don't know why it's taking me so long...I was so eager when I was pregnant with "Popette" to get the room setup, buy clothes etc. I guess it's hard when you have a toddler wanting your attention. "Popette's" also going through a rough time at the moment, we think its her 2 yr molars, and has been a terror for the past few days.

I've also been feeling tired and having lots of aches & pains which has been stopping me from doing things. Also trying to keep on top of the cleaning and washing, plus a lack of motivation hasn't helped. I really want to start "nesting" but can't get everything I want done done, it's so frustrating.

If this baby does come early, I'd really like to have "Popette's" room and the baby's room decorated. We also need to go shopping and buy "Popette" a 'big girls bed', along with some furniture for her and the baby's room. We were hoping to start "Popette" sleeping in her 'big girls bed' before the baby comes home....hmmm I think we're hopeful.

We tried converting her cot to the toddler bed last weekend, but that was a hindsight it probably wasn't the best night for it, as she hadn't had a day sleep and was overtired. While she liked the idea of a 'big girls bed', there was no way she was going to sleep in it.

I have so much to do, yet I feel as though I don't have the energy to do it. I really need "SuperDad" to give me a hand and get things organised. Hopefully we can get to some of the things on the "To-Do" list this weekend.

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