
12 July 2011

Finding inspiration for your blog

Where do you get your blogging inspiration from?

Is it from your day-to-day life, your children, your work, your partner/spouse/significant other, from people you see on the street or from conversations you might hear?

Is it from articles you read in magazines or newspapers, or stories you see on TV?

Is it from nature, travel, art, photographs, books, movies?

I'm having a bit of a "mind blank" when it comes to inspiration for my blog. I follow quite a few blogs, and it amazes me to where bloggers come up with the content for their blogs.

I know I could continue to write about "Popette" and her little adventures, or the tales of my pregnancy, but I'm sure there is other things I could blog about that would be more interesting to you readers? Surely??

Let's see....there's the recently launched carbon tax...hmmmm....if I totally understood what its about and what it means to a Stay-at-home Mum like me, then maybe I could blog about it, but I don't, so I'll leave that one to the experts.

What else, well there's travel...before kids hubby and I used to love to travel. Its been a while since Hubby and I have gone on a decent relaxing holiday. Our last couple of holidays have been family vacations with "Popette", and while we have loved every minute of our little family holiday its not quite the same as the exciting overseas holidays that you take 6 months to plan and even longer to save your money up for.

Our last big holiday was to Fiji which was wonderful, it's such a lovely, tranquil and relaxing place. We saved up our bucks and splurged at a gorgeous 4 star island resort, where we indulged on good food, wine, beer, more food, wine, beer, cocktails, a couples massage (my hubby's first and who has sworn won't be his last) plus swimming, snorkelling and a bit of sightseeing. We kind of knew it would be our last "big" holiday for sometime as we had been trying to have a baby. Who would have knew that I would fall pregnant on that holiday...unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.

It wasn't until we went away for a weekend trip to Canberra that I fell pregnant with "Popette" and as they say, the rest was history.

I'm guessing it'll be a while until we get to go away again. I'm 28 weeks and 1 day today. I had my ultrasound yesterday, which seemed to go well. I'll see my OB/GYN on Thursday so will have to see what she says. I'm just glad that I haven't been admitted to hospital like I was when I was 28 weeks pregnant with "Popette".

Well gotta go, "Popette" has woken up and is calling me.

Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. I write everything on a word doc when I have something to write about. But some of them I don't finish. It becomes all ramblings in one document.


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