
28 December 2012

Week 52: Grateful for the end of a horrible year (and for turning 40)

On New Years Eve I will be turning 40! 40!! The big 4-0! Its hard to believe I'm nearing middle-age. I remember turning 25, and everyone having a crack at me turning quarter of a century.

I certainly don't feel 40, I guess that's a good thing. I've always thought I'd be the one crying in a corner about turning 40, but lately I've been trying to think about how I should be embracing it.

Some memories of the year
I remember hassling both my brothers when they turned the big 4-0, and asked them if they were going to sit in a corner and cry, of course that didn't go down too well!

A lot has happened in my 40 years for me to be grateful for; I was raised in a loving home by my two wonderful parents, I met and made friends at and out of school, through work, having children etc; I met my wonderful husband, I've travelled overseas and to places in Australia, I've gotten married, bought a house and became a Mummy to two sweet little girls.

I am grateful to be turning 40, even though it sounds daunting and means I'm no longer in my 30s (I hear 40 is the new 30, so really I should be celebrating turning 30, again) and inching my way closer to turning 50 (Arrggh!!! That's depressing! I only feel like I'm 30!).

I am grateful to have lived these past forty years (even with all the ups & downs), and grateful to have learned things about myself and others.

I'm also grateful that this year is nearly over.

While it's been a long, horrible year for my family, I am grateful for the wonderful memories we have made together this year, (for instance, "Cherub" crawling on her 1st birthday and our holiday to Port Stephens)

I will be grateful when this year is finally over on the strike of midnight, when it changes from my birthday to my husband's birthday, and for the new year to begin!

To those who have been with me on my "52 Weeks of Grateful" journey, thank you for checking in with me each week and seeing how my journey has been going. Hope to see you in 2013!


  1. Congratulations on your forthcoming birthday! It's beautiful that your birthday turns into your husband's birthday with the new year! Best wishes for 2013!

    1. Thanks Kirsty! I hope you have a Happy New Year too :)

  2. Congrats on your milestone birthday and welcome to the exclusive 40's and fabulous club! You're gonna love it! x

  3. Happy Birthday Julie! Amazing that your hubby's birthday is the next day! My hubby and I are two days apart - I thought that was close!! Wishing you an amazing fortieth year - may it be filled with love, fun and an abundance of happiness. Have enjoyed following your 52 Weeks of Grateful! Thank you for following mine too. Elisa xx

    1. Thanks Elisa! Its been a busy week, as it was "Popette's" birthday in the same week, so we are all birthday'd out so to speak!

      Thanks for visiting my 52 week posts, I have enjoyed reading your posts also.


  4. Happy Birthday to you and your hubby Julie! Wishing you an amazing new year, full of fun, love & happiness. Have enjoyed following your 52 weeks of grateful. Thank you for following mine too. Elisa x

  5. Happy 40th! Lots to be grateful for there. 2013 will be the last year of my 30's, so I'm starting to prepare myself already! Here's to new beginnings :)

  6. Happy birthday, Julie! Forty is fab, it really is. Once you get over the horror of it all, of course.

    Happy new year too. I think some years we leap to turn the page, don't we. I'm sorry it was a bad one in 2012 for you. I know from my own thoughts on last year, that it wasn't all bad, but we are not sorry to see the last of it. Happiest days ahead, I hope for you all. x

    1. Thanks Bron :) I'm amazed at how calm I was at turning 40, I really did think that I'd be bawling my eyes out :)

      Lets hope we both have a great year!


  7. Happy birthday to you both and here's to a truly happy 2013 xx

    1. Thanks Kylie :) And I wish you an amazing 2013 with the impending arrival :)


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