
07 January 2013

Birthday celebrations come to an end

Hello Everyone!

Happy New Year (I know I'm a bit late), but we've had a very busy week at my household so haven't had time to do much on the blog. We've had birthday's galore this past week.

It all started on New Years Eve with yours truly turning 40 (yep, the big 4-0), and guess what I'm fine about it. I didn't burst into tears. Instead I had an awesome day with my little family, who spoilt me very much. Hubby bought me some beautiful diamond & black pearl drop earrings (which he thought I didn't like, but for the record, I DO like), then I was taken for a day out into the City for a seafood lunch by the water and a couple glasses of bubbly, which was lovely!

We couldn't end the day without a trip to the National Maritime Museum where "Popette" had fun playing at the Water World park, and exploring the Pirates exhibition (yet again!). Afterwards we bought a deliciously, wicked dessert from Adriano Zumbo to share with my Mum for my birthday cake.

Then at the strike of midnight on NYE, it turned into my Hubby's birthday. He is still a youngen at 39, so has a whole year of his 30's left. I keep telling him that "40's is the new 30's, so I'm really still only 30" hahaha. So on New Years Day we took my Hubby out for a steak lunch, and later a play at an amusement arcade with "Popette" and "Cherub".

Our last birthday celebration was for "Popette" who turned a big 4! It only feels like yesterday when she was a tiny toddler learning to walk and saying her first words. How quickly the past 4 years have come & gone.

"Popette" had a fun-filled day with her best friend at McDonalds for a play on the play equipment and a McHappy meal, then back at our place for further play and cake. This year "Popette's" request was for an Ariel cake. I was a bit unsure how I was going to make a mermaid, but luckily "Popette" decided that she wanted a "Princess Ariel" cake, so that made Mummy happy :)

She had a great morning opening presents, then being taken to Build-A-Bear by Mummy & Daddy, who bought her a Minnie Mouse, who now has the same birthday as her! So exciting!! Minnie has become her BFF, and travels with her everywhere, even to daycare today!

I hope you've all had a great Christmas/New Year's, and have had a chance to take a break.

My new year's resolutions this year include spending less time on the computer (so less blogging/facebooking) and more time playing with girls, which means I may not take up the "52 weeks of grateful" challenge this year.

Another resolution is to get healthy & lose weight, so gym here I come!! Hubby & I are starting the CSIRO diet after a friend tolds us how much weight she lost, so hopefully I won't have too many cravings!

What are your new year's resolutions?

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