
19 February 2014

Appreciating the change

I've been feeling a little lost lately. Its funny because when Popette was attending daycare last year, I was relishing the two quiet days. Now she's at school, I'm searching for things to keep me busy until pick-up time. I think I need to create a routine not only for Cherub but myself!

With Popette now at Kindy I've found Cherub getting tired rather quickly in the morning. She is not enjoying the change to her morning routine, which now consists of eating breakfast and getting dressed before 9am!

Before we would take our time having breakfast (in front of the TV), eventually get dressed then do something. Nowadays we don't have much time for playing puzzles or watching TV before school, which Cherub isn't too pleased about. I think its a good thing, as it is limiting the amount of TV she is watching!

Last week we returned to her music appreciation class which she enjoys, as well as attended playgroup where she loved making Valentines day cards! I'm hoping she will meet some kids around her age there, poor Cherub doesn't have friends her own age, and misses her sister like crazy. It would be nice for her to have someone around her age to play with.

I've never been good with change (I'm sure it's a Capricorn thing), but have to say I am adjusting to the change in our morning routine rather well. I've been enjoying the morning and afternoon strolls to Popette's school. There are days when we have a quick drop-off or pick-up in the car, but most days I can put Cherub in the pram or on her bike.

Another change I've made is setting aside some time for myself each day to do my own thing.

A couple weeks ago I started this free art journaling workshop which I came across online. I've never done any form of art journaling before, so it's all new to me, but thought it would be a good way for me to get creative and allow me to have a little time to myself. I'm a little behind as I started late, but am having fun creating.

One of my projects titled "Something that makes me smile"

I've also been getting into the baking, which is another creative outlet I enjoy. For Valentine's day I made a Chocolate Ganache tart with homemade shortcrust pastry. It wasn't too bad for my first attempt. The pastry was a little thick, but the filling was heavenly!!

Do you like routines, or are you a "lets see what happens today" sort of person?


  1. Oh that art journalling sounds so perfect for you! I so wish school was a stroll away from us. Sounds like you're embracing change Julie. We're slowly moving into a new rhythm here too xx

    1. Thanks Elisa, I'm trying hard to embrace the change, there are days when it gets crazy with the mad morning rush. Being home with Cherub is fun, but I miss Popette keeping me company :) xx

  2. The art journal is such a lovely idea! Your chocolate ganache tart also sounds very yummy. I love my routine, but with two little ones under two, many days I find myself just winging it!

    1. Thanks Lauren :) I have days when I just 'go with the flow', especially when Cherub hasn't had a good nights sleep, as that makes all the difference to whether we have a good day! :)

  3. I struggled with school pickup and dropoffs last year... These were always the times my baby wanted to sleep and she never slept well on the go. Now she's on one sleep later in the morning and it works out perfectly. She gets to sleep and I get a little bit of time to myself. I hope you manage to find a routine that works for you, too!

    1. Thanks Tat, its always nice to get a little time to yourself....I hope you are making the most of it :)

  4. I think you could well be right Julie re the capricorn things as my middle son is also a capricorn and doesnt cope well with change. I like routine, as much as I would love to be more carefree, I find a certain level of routine keeps me focused and organised... I hate to think how stressed I would be without it lol x

    1. Thanks Sonia, I work better with a routine too. While I might not get everything that I want done, it works for me :) x

  5. It's all about seasons isn't it? Things change, and sometimes it's a little harder to roll with it.
    Your ganache tart sounds lovely Julie :)


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