
24 February 2014

I'm not sure what I want

I so wanted this to be the year that I get out of my negative thoughts, savour the time I have with my children and reclaim time to myself. I don't know if it's the same for you, but some days I feel like it's "groundhog day" (I love the movie!) and I'm stuck doing the same thing over and over again!

I'm so over cleaning up spills on the floor, changing dirty nappies, picking up mess off the floor, tidying up the toys, cleaning the kitchen, washing the know what I mean?

Source: Pinterest

While I love spending time with Cherub, being at home can be lonely, nobody tells you when you have a baby how lonely it'll be. If you don't have a group of friends or family around, it can be hard. Now that Popette is at school it's just me and Cherub. Cherub is a happy, cheeky, giggly little girl. I love her to pieces. 

She is a lot of fun to be with, but there are days when I feel like I need more or need a change. Please tell me you understand what I am saying!

I was trying to explain it to my husband last night, but couldn't quite find the words. I guess what makes it hard, is that I don't know what I want. I don't know if I want to return to work, study a course to up-skill myself or just join an art class at a community college and get back into my art. I love spending time with Cherub so don't want to leave her all together, but unsure whether I'm ready to work part-time.

I guess I'm feeling a little unsure of what I want.

Have you ever gone through a point in your life where you knew something had to change?


  1. I think this is a normal part of the transition from staying at hoe to having kids at school - they are growing as are we and it is normal to start thinking about what next? I xxwent through it for sure - took a good 2 years to start down a winding path to me. Good luck hon and let yourself explore what you might want to do -

  2. All the time! I'm a restless soul is what I am. I can totally understand your 'what do I want?' questions because I've never, not ever been exactly sure. At least the possibilities keep us out of trouble, right!?! Good luck finding your 'thing', Julie. x

    1. Me neither Bron, I keep thinking 'what do I want to be when I grow up!!', lol. x

  3. Blog like crazy! Blogging is my connection with the world. Truly, I know what you are feeling. Whenever I felt that, I would have another child - that's why there's six of them now! Good luck with the planning.

  4. I am in the same predicament as you. It is sad that someone can't just come along and tell you what the solution is isn't it?

    1. Thanks Becc :) What if we had a crystal ball each? Do you think that would work? I hope you work out what you want too!

  5. Is there anything you've told yourself you'd do if you had time? Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for :)

    1. Thanks Jaz :) One of my problems is that I like so many different things, then either don't have the time to complete all of a project (like painting a picture) or when I've had a long day with the girls I don't feel motivated to do anything once they've gone to bed :)

  6. Totally know what you're going through. I'd like to go back to work but not to what I did before. You just have to have faith that it'll all work out. Love that Confucius quote.

  7. I went back to Uni at the age of 41 after my fifth child started school. Life is always evolving. I hope you find something you can be passionate about:)

  8. Yes I so relate to this post but I'm in limbo with a newborn baby to arrive in July. I kep blogging and hope that an opportunity will arise and I will recognise it and go for it.

  9. I've been there, still do even though my boy is at daycare 3 days a week. For me going back to study and re-skilling is what works for me. Best advice I was given was just try one thing your love and see where it lands, I am hoping that I land on my two feet :)

  10. I love to make play dough with my Grade 2 class! This recipe is slightly different to my one so I can't wait to give yours a try! Thanks :-) xxx Lucy from Bake Play Smile

  11. Oh my goodness! I am so unsure of what I want! At the moment I have the travel bug big time, but unfortunately its not the right time work wise for me to go away! Ahhh!! If only everything was simple :-) :Lucy from Bake Play Smile

    1. Thanks Lucy, ahh travel, I'd so love to travel again, but have to wait for my chipmunks to be a little older for a big overseas trip. I hope you get to go away soon :)


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